Tribal Armor Concept: Kypiq Light Armor

Hail hail Elyrians!

It's shiny time again! Last week, we shared a concept sculpt of some light armor in the Brudvir style which sparked some interesting conversation. I figured this week I'd keep the streak going and share another Faedin culture's light armor concept sculpt. So, without further adieu, let's have a look at a concept sculpt of the Kypiq Light Armor, shall we?

The Kypiq use materials in their crafting that are novel when it comes to building something like armor. This makes their armor an interesting challenge. Between the cultural practices of their version of Faedinism, the materials they have at their disposal, and their stature, the Kypiq tend towards a more natural look with their armor. This means that most examples of their armor are made of composites derived from materials common to the ironwood ecosystem of their home biome.

A concept sculpt like this gives us a good look at the way those materials may lay and allows us to explore how they will flex and move. In this particular case, for example, we can look at the way the leaves and other fibers would look as they "cure" and harden.

I do hope you enjoy it! :)

  • Snipehunter
9/27/2018 6:46:17 PM #16

Looks like I'll be bringing a torch any time I fight the Kypiq.

9/27/2018 6:51:56 PM #17

Question: Since this is a very different kind of armor, compared to leather armor or even heavy plate armor, does it take a different set of skills to create it?

Making a heavy plate armor includes smelting and hammering, but making leather armor doesn't. That requires knowledge of pelts and hides and maybe sewing. This Kypiq armor on the other hand might even require knowledge in flora and ... maybe sewing as well. It would require different combinations of knowledge and skills (and ingredients of course), depending on the type of armor.

Is this correct or does the "general knowledge of armor" cover all kinds of materials?

9/27/2018 7:12:12 PM #18

Very Interesting. would be cool to be able to distinguish different races from afar

9/27/2018 7:47:01 PM #19

At last, proper Cosplay material!!! Looks great guys!

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

9/27/2018 8:30:16 PM #20

I'm loving this lizard chic. :D

Pacyen is a Virtue.

Friend Code: 4ACB46

Lady Iola Berankin, Countess of Roeking

[EU - Demalion Empire / Duchy of Anor / Roeking County]

~Anorian Maiden~

9/27/2018 9:08:23 PM #21

Posted By TR3LON1ST at 11:51 AM - Thu Sep 27 2018

Question: Since this is a very different kind of armor, compared to leather armor or even heavy plate armor, does it take a different set of skills to create it?

Making a heavy plate armor includes smelting and hammering, but making leather armor doesn't. That requires knowledge of pelts and hides and maybe sewing. This Kypiq armor on the other hand might even require knowledge in flora and ... maybe sewing as well. It would require different combinations of knowledge and skills (and ingredients of course), depending on the type of armor.

Is this correct or does the "general knowledge of armor" cover all kinds of materials?

That's correct, Tr3lonist: Different recipes will require different components and those components may require different skills to make. In the Kypiq case, you'll need the work of an alchemist and a tailor to produce the light armor shown here. The crafting skills are broken down by the work that you do, not by the items you can produce with them, so while there are smiths that work metal, and tailors that work fiber and cloth, there aren't "swordsmiths" or "armorers" - those sorts of trade careers are for players to create for themselves. The skills provided just give you all the tools to make that possible, essentially.

Hope that helps! :)

  • Snipehunter
9/27/2018 9:18:05 PM #22

I like.

Be yourself.

9/27/2018 9:36:39 PM #23

I like the style of the armor. The material is unconventional but not without precedent, and it somehow manages to look cool and cute at the same time.

Not a huge fan of the all-green coloration, but I'm sure that'll be something we can customize.

Referral Code: 912EC9

9/27/2018 10:03:14 PM #24

“burn them all“

Alt text - can be left blank

9/27/2018 10:14:49 PM #25

So, it looks like woven grass stalks with ironwood leaves for a backing or?

~ Goody Odsbodikins, Count of the Highest State. ~
Friend Code: F41EFF

9/27/2018 10:52:04 PM #26

That´s mine! C:

Be yourself.

9/27/2018 11:12:21 PM #27

Looks fantastic!

Just an observation - in many games players prefer to hide the helmets of their characters. I don't expect such a button in this game, however to support that preference will each tribe have functional open-face helmet styles too?

Link to my story

9/27/2018 11:37:49 PM #28

At first I laughed, quite a bit, then I remembered this is UE4 and camoflage is real in UE4. That's when I worried a little bit about those little buggers.

9/28/2018 12:01:27 AM #29

Have to keep my Eye on that as keen to start as Kypiq from the off.

Physician, Alchemist & Herbalist to the Duchy of Anor, Al-Khezam - Selene (EU) Server

9/28/2018 12:09:25 AM #30

That looks cool, I wonder how effective the ironwood tree leaves are at actually protecting the body.

Count LizenÇace VeLeîjres of Mydra's Crossing, VII of the order of the IX.

Order of IX