Kadeir Taliesin Recruitment

Kadeir Taliesin

Gravev Ben-Beirdd


Kadeir Taliesin,

The county of Shade and Redwald,

Kingdom of Bordweall,


Dear Potential New Citizen,

The city of Kadeir Taliesin intends to be the quintessence of the arts in the Elyria world, offering home to all the artists and artisans who seek the mastering of their abilities in any and all of the arts and skills available. The enchanting surroundings are second to none, save for what is the otherworldly splendor of the city itself, which is reflected in the hearts of all its citizens. It’s a city of treasures, art, intellect, artisans, unparalleled works and masterpieces. As the Mayor is a bannerman, Kadeir Taliesin reflects that with its formidable walls of alabaster from the outside, but the inner buildings shimmer with elegance. The city is a safe guarded treasure, beautiful and well defended.

What we are looking for are those who are interested in making a name for themselves and helping the general good of the city to progress, in-as-such, specifically those who plan on working a trade or profession.However, none will be turned away. We will also be looking at the funding of guilds and providing the necessary equipment and placing for all to increase their skills.

There will be many places of interest throughout and around the city including but not limited to;

Places of Interest

  • The University – This university will be dedicated to the scholarly arts. Either knowledge or working on things like Military such as Cavalry or scouting to work with the county’s animal husbandry. The University will work with the other guilds in sharing knowledge and research with each other.

  • The Library – A place of great knowledge, should be located near the University. Should house many great stories, books of philosophy, or of artisan techniques.

  • The Museum – a place dedicated to the statues of great heroes, of art, either of stone or painting.

  • The Taliesin Gardens – outside the museum sits the grand gardens where the young minstrels of the realm work on their own artistic talents and fill the city with sound of song. Also the preferred place of families and young lovers for heartwarming walks.

  • The J E Tavern – The first tavern of the city, holder of good food, good drink and good time. Having events such as chess tournaments, game tournaments, shows and performances, music, bands, and other things.

  • Trade District - Shops for all items the heart desires. Plus storage for items being exported and probably a small area for storage of pack/riding animals + wagons.

  • Craft District - Crafters of all types welcome here.

  • Multipurpose Animal Needs Center - This is just a part of the overall conservation effort and serves as the main area where animals are bred and cared for to be released into the wild or serve as mounts in service of our city. For the conservation of the local wildlife so we don’t hunt them to extinction. It will count with veterinary students from the University as well as students for practice classes only.

In closing, we hope you enjoy your visit and come to love us enough to stay and prosper.

Gravev Ben-Beirdd

Kadeir Taliesin

Count of Caer Genesis

County of Tir Cymoedd Afon
Kingdom of Bordweall(NA-E)
10/3/2018 2:22:56 PM #1

Will be a very cute town for sure.

3/26/2019 6:30:04 PM #2

Looking forward to seeing where you go with this town! I have great hopes that your research and efforts will benefit Bordweall as a whole.

Interested in becoming a warrior/soldier? working in reconnaissance, espionage, sabotage, assassination? joining an order of the strongest and most honorable knights? becoming a field medic? operating siege? or joining a personal guard? Click Here!