Disguises [Suggestion/Plea]

Sooo because this is (kinda) important to me and I feel nobody likes a wall of text, here the short, bound version of it.

In the Dev Jounal about disguises, it says that ppl have a certain chance seeing through your disguise and you family ALWAYS knows who you are.

I want this to change. I want there to be a "perfect" disguise. Let me explain, just before this gets out of hand (again)

There are 3 types of this that I have heard: -impersonating (taking someone elses persona) -false identity (taking on a random identity that you want to play convincingly so that people really think you are a person) -fake identity (setting up a disguise everyone knows is not a real character, but can not see the "real character beneath)

It is the latter one I have issues with. If I were to wear a mask, a hood/different clothes, parfume, and acted /spoke completly differently then normal, nobody, not even my mother who lives above my basement bringing me food every 5 minutes because i am 500pounds, will recognize me in public. (well if i were to weigh that much... maybe :D)

I want there to be a way to "seal away" your true identity, until your disguise comes off. And ONLY THEN are people able to see my real persona. Not a "chance" thing. Not a "family will always know you" bullshit.

If I wanna be batman, I wanna be batman. And not "Oh I am batman, but just call me Bruce Wayne"

There is a reason why superheroes wear masks and capes. Its not so others think "oh yeah, that guy totally is a guy called "batman", but so that nobody knows that I am bruce wayne. NO NOT EVEN MY OVERPROTECTIVE MOTHER WHO HAS INSTALLED SECRET CAMERAS IN MY BATHT-... okay getting to weird :D

You know what I mean. There should be a way to completly take on an alternate personality. People can see that its not the "real" me, but they aren't able to deduce, who I really are, just by looking and talking to me.

10/7/2018 11:08:24 PM #1

Your plan sounds good. If you are aware of all possible ways how someone might see through your disguise and have a counter for all of them and make no mistakes, then it should be near impossible to see through it. So to say: if you are at disguise Skill=100, only those with the counterskill at or near 100 should be able to see through it. I'd give family members a high bonus to see through, but not an automatically granted ability. That part doesnt make sense.

If you are the only person within 10 square kilometers that weighs 500 pounds, or is taller than 2m or smaller than 130cm, a disguise likely wont help you ;)

And if there is a way to take away the slightest possibility of others to counter what you do, then its OP. simple as that.

And yea, there is a reason: because its fiction. The perfect disguise simply isnt real.

Friend Code: 30EF47

10/7/2018 11:22:20 PM #2

But it makes more sense... logically and gameplay wise.

What is more fun? Seeing a pickpocket, and because you are a good people person and you have talked to that guy twice, seeing his real identity And simply putting a bounty on him? OR having to chase him down, remove the disguise and "unmask" him literally?

I mean seriously. There are so many downsides to going "fully cloaked", that there shouldn't be a "simple" option to see through the disguise.

EVERYONE can use that disguise and blame it on you. NOBODY will trust a guy in full cloak (unless he has a great reputation) NOBODY will trade with such a guy EVERYONE will try and avoid him "just in case". MOST cities actually wont even allow you to enter with that whole thing on.

The only positive to this is, that you can't simply be identified and are "safe" from recognition. But if you put this away as well, there is NO REASON to try and get a persona going.

Basically: Impersonate a person and do a crime: crime is not only not on you, but on a target of your choce invent a person and do crime: you wont be cought, but if someone knows you well enough, he might see through your disguise Completly cloak yourself, making nobody recognize you with more then the made up name: nobody trusts you, nobody want you near them, everyone will go to you first if a crime has happened close to you, not allowed in bigger cities, other people can try and impersonate you EASILY because you have no papers to identify with.

ONLY plus: full immunity from personality checks. NO insight and no playerskill can get through that. Not family, not detective. The only ways to "unmask" them is to get rid of the disguise, or follow them to where they change/home.

If you take the latter part away, there is NO reason to ever go fully cloaked.

THIS WOULD ALSO BE PERFECT FOR NEWER THIEVES who cant afford good disguises and simply throw rags around their faces. Nobody trusts them and imediatly suspects them BUT they are annonymous.

10/7/2018 11:56:15 PM #3

I'm not certain whether a mask would even be considered a "disguise" in the first place. It would just be a piece of equipment that hides your features.

In that DJ it says that, once you create a disguise with wigs and such, you can take off and put on different equipment without messing up the illusion, but in that same post it has pictures of people in hoods and masks, calling them "disguises".

It's kinda confusing.

10/8/2018 6:07:09 AM #4

It has been said that even without deviant skills, if you wear your hood up it will block your name. That way, people who want to play in private (dev example was playing hookie while your boss is in your family) and not be known as online

Not sure the extent or if it fully applies. Still, you can hide your presence from your family in some ways

As far as disguises go, dude I could wear a full body costume and my mom would still point me out lol

Sure you can completely disguise your character, but better hope your character is the bombest voice actor ever. And keep in mind that if you were to be waltzing through a town in a full body cover up and mask, people will be suspicious of you lol

Also, if you impersonate someone THEIR family will see through it. I can't just pretend to go be my friend and have his mom believe it lol. There's no way, even with the best plastic surgery in the world

Don't fret too much, the system will be fun

10/8/2018 8:12:51 AM #5


"Becoming Anonymous

While characters are typically anonymous by default, there are times when you want to become anonymous even amongst those who know you. Maybe you're a famous Bard and you want to get from one side of town to the other without being accosted by fans. Maybe your boss plays CoE too and you called in sick and want to get through the guild hall without being caught. Or, maybe you're about to do something... deviant and you want the ability to say you were "nowhere near there."

Whatever the reason, as seen in Figure 1, characters can hide their identity/names by wearing a hooded cloak with the hood up. Of course, walking through town with your hood up may raise additional suspicion, but if it's your nameplate you want hidden, this'll do the trick."

"Before you can select between multiple identities you first have to create additional identities. Identities are created by forging the appropriate documents and where necessary, having the appropriate disguise. This involves both the Forgery Skill, as well as the Disguise skill. Both are in the Deviant skill tree and both are illegal. If you're caught with forged documents, or your disguise is seen through, you could be on the hook for everything you did while under the guise of your alternate identity. "

This is so confusing! Yes you can hide your name, but if you give it an alter ego, it can be found out? o_o I really dont get it.

10/8/2018 8:33:53 AM #6

I understand the family thing, an overprotective mother could recognize you being Batman due to knowing your mannerisms. There is no real way to simulate that in game without it being something automatic. Maybe if you stand near family for too long or get too close the disguise could break,I could see them dialing it down like that. Or having the disguise just not totally break, just have it show the name to your family or show an outline around your character for your family meaning you know this person but not show the name.

10/8/2018 10:43:02 AM #7

Posted By Deftly at 01:33 AM - Mon Oct 08 2018

I understand the family thing, an overprotective mother could recognize you being Batman due to knowing your mannerisms. There is no real way to simulate that in game without it being something automatic. Maybe if you stand near family for too long or get too close the disguise could break,I could see them dialing it down like that. Or having the disguise just not totally break, just have it show the name to your family or show an outline around your character for your family meaning you know this person but not show the name.

This sort of reminded me of something.

Your tribe... could change how you appear..? I mean, less you have magic or are amazing on stilts (which would still look funny) I really don't see say, a Kypiq... impersonating someone very much taller than them.. x)

Mom: Uhhhh hey..... son? (or daughter!) Why are you so... short?

Big bad wolf effect

That would be funny too, for people who know of someone but never met them. A knight with a good reputation from another area, for example. "I expected you to be..... taller."

10/8/2018 1:17:16 PM #8

I'd say no, no way. In my opinion a 'perfect disguise' would require a (near-)divine ability to morph. A very good disguise would already reduce the chances of being recognized very significantly, even when solely regarding 'fake identity'. And I would expect chances to not be that high for characters with well developed disguise skill to be discovered by the average Erlyian to make it not worth the risk. I trust the ability of developers and testing community to be able to tune and tweak all related mechanics and settings appropriately.

10/8/2018 2:31:15 PM #9

And again people confuse "disguise as someone" and "hide your own identity behind a disguise". The latter is my point of contention. There is no need for divinity in putting up a mask, talking funny and making some random movements. I could do all that in less then an hour and NOONE would recognize me.

How is nobody getting HOW BAD such a disguise would be for the disguised. It doesn't need "nerfs" no "its a game therefor it needs to have a weakpoint".

Beeing completly masked is an indicator to everyone, not to trust that person. So if you aren't going around in that mask, helping people with stuff, getting enough positive fame that they know they can trust you, nobody will even come close to you.

ITS NOT ROCKETSCIENCE PEOPLE. MASK+ HOODIE+ (maybe) a little acting skill to change your voice and NOBODY should be able to recognize you. No ifs and buts. No in reality, your mother WONT recognize you, if you are fully shrouded and talk funny, if she randomly meets you somewhere, where you shouldnt be.

Of course if there is a batman in her basement that talks kinda like her son, acts kinda like her son and 5 minutes ago, where he was, there was her son, SHE MIGHT GET AN IDEA. But if she goes shopping, while she thinks you are at school in a different city, she will not even get an idea of "huh that random guy behind the mask is probably my son!"

Like... seriously people... have you never attended comicons, cosplay events or something?

HOW ON EARTH do you want to know what guy is behind that darth vader mask? Oftentimes I have problems identifying people if they wear glasses and have a new haircut -.- And you people are telling me you could see through an impenetrable disguise... -_- ARGH! frustrated

10/8/2018 2:40:34 PM #10

Posted By AlteOgre at 06:17 AM - Mon Oct 08 2018

I'd say no, no way. In my opinion a 'perfect disguise' would require a (near-)divine ability to morph. A very good disguise would already reduce the chances of being recognized very significantly. And I would expect chances to not be that high for characters with well developed disguise skill to be discovered by the average Erlyian to make it not worth the risk. I trust the ability of developers and testing community to be able to tune and tweak all related mechanics and settings appropriately.

You know, a very strong disguise might just need a some magic or a little boost of talent :P

10/8/2018 3:04:38 PM #11

First, what is impenetrable to you may not be impenetrable to others...

And what the devs are saying is that being related by blood somehow helps them know that you are you...

Whether this works or not with your mom here on earth when you cosplay as Batman isn't the question...

It's what applies in Elyria that matters...

Just like there are certain tribal features and celestial systems that are not Earth equivalent ...The Yoru gaining cold immunity and blue skin from a chemical in the fish they eat is an example...There are many more I could list...

They have decided that this is the way "they" want to do it...

Maybe it has something to do with Midichlorians?

Or something unique to Spirit Walking?

(Which btw is also something unique to Elyria and not found here on Earth.)

We Are The Many... We Are The One... We Are THE WAERD !!!

10/8/2018 3:04:54 PM #12

Posted By Viktoriusiii at 07:31 AM - Mon Oct 08 2018

And again people confuse "disguise as someone" and "hide your own identity behind a disguise". The latter is my point of contention. There is no need for divinity in putting up a mask, talking funny and making some random movements. I could do all that in less then an hour and NOONE would recognize me.

How is nobody getting HOW BAD such a disguise would be for the disguised. It doesn't need "nerfs" no "its a game therefor it needs to have a weakpoint".

Beeing completly masked is an indicator to everyone, not to trust that person. So if you aren't going around in that mask, helping people with stuff, getting enough positive fame that they know they can trust you, nobody will even come close to you.

ITS NOT ROCKETSCIENCE PEOPLE. MASK+ HOODIE+ (maybe) a little acting skill to change your voice and NOBODY should be able to recognize you. No ifs and buts. No in reality, your mother WONT recognize you, if you are fully shrouded and talk funny, if she randomly meets you somewhere, where you shouldnt be.

Of course if there is a batman in her basement that talks kinda like her son, acts kinda like her son and 5 minutes ago, where he was, there was her son, SHE MIGHT GET AN IDEA. But if she goes shopping, while she thinks you are at school in a different city, she will not even get an idea of "huh that random guy behind the mask is probably my son!"

Like... seriously people... have you never attended comicons, cosplay events or something?

HOW ON EARTH do you want to know what guy is behind that darth vader mask? Oftentimes I have problems identifying people if they wear glasses and have a new haircut -.- And you people are telling me you could see through an impenetrable disguise... -_- ARGH! frustrated


Family are able to communicate across distances (whisper chat function) and know when a family member has been incapacitated. They can find their own family. These mechanics exist for a reason, but think about it in a world building way, not just it being a game. It wouldn't make sense if the people living in this world, if this world and all of this info were real, to be able to do and know these things but not recognize you're there because of a piece of cloth over your face. However, you can conceal your name plate from people who know you by raising the hood, so I'm not sure if it is specifically different with family. Also, no matter how rare it is, soulmates know when they're near their soulmate. Just because you're wearing a cheap disguise, that type of connection doesn't just disappear between the characters

They may or may not enable you to hide from your family in some ways but I think it'd be silly for a disguise (even at the highest skill level, unless with magic) to block those inherent connections. "Concealing identity" and "disguise" I use loosely, because concealing your face is still kind of a disguise so sorry if the convo we've been having here mislead you to think we don't understand your goal

Outside of family, yes. You can very very very much work on the skills in the deviant tree and use them to conceal your real identity with a false one, with someone else's, and you can even simply raise the cloak on your nameplate. But I'm telling you, unless your method of doing so isn't completely covering your face, it's easy to recognize someone. On top of that, you're automatically anonymous to everyone unless you share your name. If you're using an alias, that's what they see and "know" you as. My buddy could come in here in a clown outfit and I'd know it was him. If he walked into the apartment with a full body Easter bunny outfit, I'd hit first ask questions later. Still. Family? In this world? They know when you been knocked out, they can find you, and they can speak to you telepathically. If a simple mask negated all of that, I'd be worried. But who knows, I'm not on the dev team. Maybe someone else has a better resource than what I've read.

10/8/2018 3:26:46 PM #13

deviancy would be too easy if what you want was true. therefore, it wont be. You can never be sure of anything, besides, that there is always a chance someone might know what you are doing or be able to find out. You'll have ways to make it harder for them, but never impossible.

Friend Code: 30EF47

10/8/2018 5:14:53 PM #14

Create a character without a family, become a master at disguise......problem solved.

10/8/2018 5:59:15 PM #15

This would depend on how you level up disguise skills. Is it by creating kits or the act of being disguised around people? Maybe a bit of both. But you can't be skilled in anything in CoE without contact with other people. You'll need materials, you need food, need to make a living, etc. I can't really see a master of disguise working by themselves and being skilled enough to fool anyone skilled in forensics.