Buildings Needed


The Dormitory will be where students from outside of the village/city stay and a place for wards to stay. At least two stories, first floor is for a kitchen area, and a few bedrooms for wards and bathrooms???(Are these even needed). The second floor has more bedrooms, one to two people per room each room has a object that is capable of holding some personal stuff such as a chest. (Subject to change)

Needed Items (TBA)


A single building made of brick or wood that houses the rooms where inside classes are held as well as things such as storage for seeds, hoe's, buckets, etc... One to two floors. (Subject to change)

Needed Items (TBA)

Animal Housing

Even animals need somewhere to take shelter if you want them protected from pretators, especially if they are pregnant. Each housing is different based on need of animal. (Subject to change)

Needed Items (TBA)

Store in City

A small store to sell some of the stuff that the students have made, they also work in it to help pay any dormitory fee's. Students get a profit from what they have personally made (range they get payed to be decided). (Subject to change)

Needed Items (TBA)