I don't know the mark down code but this is the current skill tree. You can play solo but how independent you can be is the real question.
Let's take a look at the survival and see what you would need to be 100% independent.
Survival: You would need almost all of the skills under survival to live.
Animal care skill :
This is so you can make a living and care a good amount to sell. You would need at least a horse. You could get away without this but would make a lower income. If you aren't buying your horse then you would need to tame it. To create a saddlebags, you'll most likely need leather working and metal working but we can come back to that.
You'll need this to make fire to cook and make shelter during bad weather. You can get too hot or too cold. But your body does not disappear when you log off. This assuming you are not stopping at a town.
First aid:
You could skip this skill at your own risk but playing alone you would need to know how to patch yourself up. Making bandages and advance tools would need other professions and advance knowledge in medicine if anything serious.(in the lore tree)
Your bread and butter for tracking animals and making snares. This does not give the skills to kill or skill the kill after. Depending on the size of the animal you wouldn't be able to harvest it all there. You can only hold a certain amount of weight on your person/horse(if you have one). If you are going to make your own tools to make the best out of skinning/ meat harvesting. You will need a fine edge. That means metalworking and mining(gathering your own ore and processing it). Then a cart to carry back multiple parts of the animal. (I won't get into the skills you need to make a cart). We'll just say your already have armor and not get into the processing of the fur to make armor from your kills and maintaining it and your weapons.
This is the last skill and you will need this to find water, especially, if you are traveling through the desert.
Surveying is not used for making maps. That is a whole another skill. You would need to go down the lore skill. Which you would need the tools for map making which means you need a paper press and whatever skills to make ink.
You could get away without fishing if you can hunt and cook basic meals and you don't need horticulture.
To have children you need a home. You can have a mobile home and live out of a wagon or you need a home built and pay taxes.
At the end of the day it depends what you want. If you want to be known for being a hunter or trap, then you won't be playing solo. A team working together will be able to do tons more than you can do yourself. Also, you will be at the mercy market. If there is a group of people doing what you are doing and flooding the market with skins they'll push you out or you will have the sell furs and meat cheap. Also moving around it a lot means, it will take you longer to establish business relationships with others. You will need a good amount of money to supply yourself will tools, there is no way you will be able to do it yourself even with "no life-ing" the game.
If you want to do this for the fun of it and don't really care about any thing else and enjoy a challenge, go for it.