An adventured spirit joins the team!

Hail Elyrians!

He's only been with us for a short time, but has dedicated his time and grown in knowledge and reputation every day since joining.

Not having pledged fealty to any domain, he is destined to roam the lands an adventurer, much like yours truly is planning to do. One of his expectations of Elyria is that he will some day earn the title of "Cannis Rabbit Bait". He's eager to get to the point where he can try!

He is a consummate participant in a variety of conversations and always a gentlemann. Myself and the rest of the team are excited to have him come aboard.

Please join me in welcoming:


As our newest member of the moderator team!!!

Look for him in purple in our Discord, and shortly with the Moderator tag in our forums, and please wish him well!

Congrats to you Focii - happy you are part of the team :)

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

7/22/2019 9:20:50 PM #1

Congratz Focii!

Definitely well deserved.

7/22/2019 10:28:43 PM #2

Welcome to the moderator team, Focii. Glad to have you aboard!

7/22/2019 10:31:08 PM #3

Yay, welcome aboard man. Glad to have ya.

Alt text - can be left blank

7/23/2019 1:13:14 AM #4

Thank you. I am honored to be able to give back to this community. I have been gaming many years (yes I'm an old fart) and I can honestly say I haven't seen a group of players this passionate and positive in a long time. I look forward to helping CoE to become a reality. The genre needs this game and I am as excited as the rest of you to try and make that happen. So until I can say see you in game I will do my best to make the ride as smooth as possible.

Divide et Impera

7/23/2019 1:42:18 AM #5

So delighted to have you join the team! You are an excellent addition, and I am already enjoying getting to know you!

Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

7/23/2019 3:21:20 PM #6

Congratulations Focii!