[Show Us Your Domain] Desert Mind: The Two-Fold College

Its Lunai's nightfall, a day before Longest Night, and the sandstone structures built into Red Mesa held the only fires in the now freezing Desert. The civilization must've stood hundreds of years now, with highways connecting each corner of the city that sprawled from the fire-lit mountain. Intricate patterns were carved into the red behemoth and showed the Waerd of Red Mesa's history. The city, Queen's Gaze, was indeed a monument in the barren land it overlooked, and not a league away stood the Two-Fold College. From a distance, it could appear to be a single tower, but underneath was an entrance to a place sacred to its people. A legion of academics was said to live there, some their entire lives, funneling through tight caverns, masked and cloaked to look identical. The Two-fold College was exclusive to waerd, and only they could wear the mask. However, to dedicated foreigners, a ritual was undertaken to allow even an outsider to join the Great Work.

Marinos Dekko was not always his name but one given to him after his 'rebirth.' He commanded a squadron of Virturi Knight's whom he led to protect two honest Waerd- outnumbered, the violence cost him half his men. The ones who survived left him with his wounds as an unfit commander. The desert-folk had no choice but to flee the battle; however, they returned immediately to see his horse was still at his side. They swiftly drugged him sideways on his saddle and took him to their healers. As a soldier, Marinos's sword earned him his life, but he also cared for the common-folk more than other men and used his prestigious status to improve infrastructure and supply food for the starving lower class. He valued more than soldiers and glory in which he indirectly dedicated his efforts. He wanted to serve anyone that needed help, to have balance in society, and he found this in the Desert he woke to after his fall.

It's been ten years from the night he'd lost everything, and today he walked among the waerd as one of their own. Tonight he did so literally, trailing behind an Erishe man and a Kypiq woman. A scholar dressed in half orange- half blue robes led them from the heart of Queens Gaze out to the southern Desert and now could only be traveling to the Two-Fold College. As they approached the college, Marinos spotted bowmen in the shadows; somewhere on the mountain at the base of the tower. Just then the waerd guiding them spoke.

"The Voice called your name, Theon Skulhuk, Whyte Orlow, Marinos Dekko. We are honored to have your hands."

The Neran was puzzled now more than ever by his purpose here. They entered the mouth of the cave and couldn't hear anything, not for miles it seemed. Also, the halls inside the college weren't flowing with scribes as they were told to be. It might have been calming to stroll the ancient caverns if it weren't for his eerie misplacement. However, disturbing thoughts were interrupted by heart-stopping fear as he approached a vast circular room housing what must have been the entire college. Row's of masked waerd surrounded a central platform; all were seated shoulder to shoulder, all but three. The tallest of masked men stood in the middle and wore a crown-like ornament; its sharp black steel flaunted a glowing red gemstone. The guide gestured them onto the center stage then spoke for the last time.

"The names will kneel before the Mind of the Desert."

The crown-wearer walked forward once all were on their knees. There was something different about that one, it was not only their height or jewelry that set them apart, but it was also their slouch, their apparent feeble age and heavy robes which dragged with each step. The Waerd are famously religious, and the Neran knew that that gemstone had something to do with this gathering and possibly the Crown-wearer's physique.

"Hands..." the old one whispered. Marinos froze for a second, unsure of what was said, but quickly presented his palm and the others followed.

"Names! The Two-Fold Queen demands you set your scales. Theon Skulhuk, you have burned villages to the ground, and now must build them. Whyte Orlow, you have stolen weapons and armor, and now must make them. Marinos Dekko, you have taken two lives from the Queen, and now must return them. Set the scale and join the Desert Mind outsiders, the Queen calls upon you."