[show us your domain] The Hamlet of Cam'wa Brink

My grandfather always told me that our people, the Oxzors, came from the East, from the area known as Dawn’s Reach.

We are a hard people. I guess that is why we choose to live away from the large cities, away from the politics and passions of rich men, at least that is why he told me he took out for adventure.

He first heard of Cam’wa Brink when he was young and in the great county of Greyblood Down, at the fort city of Traverschurch. He told us that he was in the Seventh Slayer Inn, drinking and gambling, when he met a Hrothi, who asked his name, where he was going, and what he was about. Being drunk and friendly, my grandfather was glad to answer.

He bragged that he was strong and wild, and that he had set off, west, to find his fortune, but not a fortune in gold and jewels, he said he was drawn to it in his dreams.

He told of a vision, recurring in his dream-world travels of a well, choked by vine and cracked by root, just before the shores of the sea, with the red setting sun behind. He said that in the dream, a Neran woman of great beauty, drew for him, water from the well, and said, “If you drink this, you will never want, and that is the greatest of riches. Find the place your soul desires to be…at Camp Wall.”

The story goes that the Hrothi, smiled and told him that their meeting was no accident, that clearly, the seven virtues had brought them together. For he was from the west, from the place known as Fenixvalle, and that my grandfather should go to the great city of Penlantern Corner. There, he would learn of the Brownpearl forest, which abuts the great western water, and the mystical place there, that the locals call Cam’ wa Brink. It was said that it was a place of fairies and ghosts, an ancient place where one can hear voices on the wind.

His journey was indeed long, but my grandfather found the city of Penlantern Corner. He was told to go north and west, following the river until he found a very old way cut through the forest to the west. He was told that none know who built the first road, but he would find ruins along the way for shelter, and that if he was searching for seclusion and the wild, that this was exactly what he would find. They told him that at the end of the road, he would find more ruins and the shores of the sea…that perhaps what he sought would also be found there.

He tells the tale this way; “When I found the well, I was of great thirst, so I drank deeply of the sweet waters.” Always, he began the story with the same line. A great story teller, my grandfather was. He said that when he found the place of Cam’wa Brink, there was nothing, nothing but barely recognizable ruins and the ancient well, but the waters were sweet, and he was strengthened. He told us that he hunted that evening, and made a good kill, and did eat well…and that night, he dreamed.

He dreamt of a great port city, surrounded by a great wall. He stood with others upon the parapets and watched enormous sailing ships pass upon the emerald sea. Then he was touched at the shoulder. He turned and found the same beautiful woman speaking to him, saying, “Now, here you are at Camp Wall, and you will never want again. You are home. Your soul has returned to the place it desires to be, and will always long for, no matter where you will travel. Then she kissed him, and my Grandfather did wake.

So then, you see, the Oxzors have been here, and apparently, some part of us have always, and will always be here. So welcome to our little village of Cam’wa Brink. Welcome to my Inn. Enjoy the hunting and the fishing. Enjoy the pleasurable company of our beautiful people, and the music, dancing, and laughter. Here is another ale for you. If you need anything, I am here to serve. I am Rojinn.

9/23/2019 6:40:00 PM #1

amazing story line cant wait to play

9/23/2019 8:27:31 PM #2

Thank you.

9/26/2019 12:45:08 AM #3

Great creativity and style.

9/26/2019 1:20:40 AM #4

Thank you so much, very kind.