[Show Us Your Domain] A Rothian Wish

Mayor Spenraw Rothian, Not from the long line of Rothian, Nor the respected line of Rothian but the Rothian dreamers, The dreamers who turned a Hamlet into a Dream, And the the story of the Dynasty that got him and his line there.

The peaceful Dras settlement BallyPole Grove was a Mining hamlet on the Hills North of the stronghold of Greenchurch in the Grey Haven county and when the first Rothians arrived to BallyPole after a trech through the swamps that felt like a life time, Passing Greenchurch felt like it dwarfed this little Dras hamlet on the swampy hills as they arived.

The Rothians were Nerans looking for a new home, A new home that would welcome them and let them grow and they had found it, Gaining trust and support quickly by working the mines and driving their passion to make a home for their family with each swing of the pick.

This sleepy Dras settlement was quickly becoming larger and larger by the day, Shocking many, Using their few friends friends the Rothians created trade networks once more growing the hamlet more to a village that could not be believed to be the same settlement, Taller and taller building rising up, All most as if they were teaching for the sun out of Greenchurchs shadow.

Each Rothian born working harder and harder, Because each Rothian had a wish, A wish for this now city to out live them, To build to the sky and spread out and prove they can build eternity in these swamps. To one day hold a home no one could take from them.

The latest Head of the Rothian line, Still not long and still not great still holds this dream and as mayor renamed the city of BallyPole Grove to Dream Spire Reach, A name to match The Rothian wish and its still growing ambition.

A wish that is no longer just a dream, But a Spire on the Hills, Reaching past the Dream.

(Thank you those who get through it, I am not a writer just a man with a dream for his settlement to out live him as a player, And thought I would enter the contest. Good luck to everyone)

My dream is to make my settlement long outlive me Why not join me in being part of it? Send me a message

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