use your old address or change your address, your credit cards are tied to your zipcode.
ut diu ut incenderent
ut diu ut incenderent
^ this.
Call your bank's client care number and update your address. Ask them to approve purchases made via Xsolla.
Posted By Adrienne at 8:29 PM - Fri Sep 27 2019
^ this.
Call your bank's client care number and update your address. Ask them to approve purchases made via Xsolla.
Don't, it's a trap!!
You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. JAMES 1:19 NLT
We are sorry to hear about these troubles. After looking, it does appear there is something wrong.
Since Xsolla handles 100% of our payment processing, you will need to contact them using their live chat or by emailing them at [email protected]
Thank you and I hope you are able to get this resolved.
"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."
If it also happens to be an unusual pucrhase it will be declined, call the bank. If you moved out of the city/state they would decline it as well, as it does not match the zip where you were before.
Yup, I used to work for a big bank. Even now I have it notated that I live and work in China, I still have to contact them sometimes.
I've been having that issue as well from Week 2 of KS
When it comes to store purchases anything over $99 gets an error, so i've had to break down my purchases
Half the time it won't accept paypal, the other half won;t accept bank cards
I've just kept trying and relogging and eventually it lets me spend money.