Peace and Reconciliation Services Offered

Greetings, I am Count Anatol Emaraça of the county of Issaries Bridge (name pending, currently The Baker) in Moonhaven. For generations my family has been devoted to the practice of peace-making and I humbly offer my services to mediate conflicts among all of mann. Whether negotiating to end a war, prevent a war, move a boundary, determine reparations or ransoms, or just decide which farmer an animal belongs to, I commit to bringing a neutral viewpoint and experience at finding common ground among opposing sides. There is no conflict too small or too large for me to turn my full attentions toward. There is no charge for these services, the pursuit of peace and reconciliation is a reward in itself.

I look forward to speaking with you and helping you settle whatever differences you have with others. I also welcome philosophers, scholars, diplomats, cartographers, surveyors, teachers, clerks, and all who are interested in the continued research and study of peace and government to the Emaraça ancestral home of Rurik’s Landing.

For more information on the history of Rurik’s Landing, see:

(In addition to over 35 years in multi-player gaming (yes, dating to play-by-mail), I am formally trained and experienced in mediation and negotiation. After decades of gaming, I am at the age where I much more enjoy building things up instead of tearing them down and look forward to opportunities to put my rl skills to use in the game.)

10/6/2019 9:13:58 AM #1

I would love to house a part of your group in my city, As a BI for just over a decade I agree on building is much more rewarding

My dream is to make my settlement long outlive me Why not join me in being part of it? Send me a message

9B7323 friend code

10/6/2019 3:10:24 PM #2

A mediator? I was actually expecting this to be some sort of mercenary group by the title but it's refreshing to see a non-violent alternative to problem solving.

I'm the Countess of Glimmerspring and I appreciate efforts like yours.

10/6/2019 3:10:34 PM #3

Hm? I double posted? That's new.

10/6/2019 3:31:25 PM #4

Double posted sorry :(

"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." -Haruki Murakami

10/6/2019 3:33:27 PM #5

Wow! This is great. Wars will be counterproductive for everybody so if conflicts can be resolved through diplomacy and mediation that would be a great thing. :)

"If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." -Haruki Murakami

10/6/2019 4:14:32 PM #6

Posted By TheCheshireDragon at 11:10 AM - Sun Oct 06 2019

A mediator? I was actually expecting this to be some sort of mercenary group by the title but it's refreshing to see a non-violent alternative to problem solving.

Heh, I hadn't thought of people reading the subject as ironic, but the rarity of peace in these games lends itself toward that!

I don't know if anyone will take advantage of this, people tend to not think they need help in 'soft skill' areas like this. But I wanted to do something different and apply my experience and skill, if there are any takers.

10/6/2019 5:56:39 PM #7

As long as people take a knee, promptly paying those living under the bridge the monthly tithes and ransoms peace is assured.

Otherwise.... there will be war.


You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry. JAMES 1:19 NLT