[Show Us Your Domain] Twinburgh

Town of Twinburgh

Show us your domain

The Domain

Here we have my settlement, the Town of Twinburgh. This is the result of an ongoing project to estimate the size and looks of my settlement from the information we have been given so far.

The county

First, the Forgeborne collective, the county collective which the county of Forgeborne is a member and therefore Twinburgh is a settlement of. As it is set in the janoa jungle this gave me information on the type of architecture and the type of the land.

A grid was then created according to approximate parcel size. This allowed to estimate the size of every settlement in the region.

The Town

I then laid down the geographical information that is visible in the map such as mountains and roads.

Then came the guesswork. As we are aware of houses size and manor sizes, it was possible to roughly estimate those, the rest though, were educated guesses. From my Holding information, I assumed the presence of a small waterway passing by, and from there, I extrapolated that this would be exploited by the local hunters and leather workers to tan their games' hides. There is also a source of mineral and stone available, and from that, I extrapolated that a minimal industry would evolve from it. Furthermore, the presence of merchants, soldiers, and priests meant that I needed at least a marketplace, a barrack, and a religious temple of sort. As there are no obvious example of a temple for the janoa, I created my own assumption with a sacred tree with a stilted abbey for ceremonies.

The Final Product

And so this is the final product. Although the architecture style is not exact, and the ground not nearly as uneven as the actual jungle, this seems like a plausible setting of the town.

I Hope you enjoyed looking and reading through this domain presentation as much as I did making all of it!