[Show Us Your Domain] Vit Kanin

I am submitting this image entry for Luna (NA-E) for the County of Vit Kanin.

This painting was done using oil-based paints and the wet-on-wet technique.

Please see the explanation of the deep thought and thorough research that went into producing this painting

Vit Kanin is in the rolling foothills of a shrub-steppe climate. This climate is hybrid arid-temperate leaning on the arid side. Research into shrub-steppe climates show that while there is plenty of grass and shrubs there are no hardwood trees. Softwood trees do exist and Ive included some pistachio trees in the drawing. The pistachio trees have beautiful dainty red flowers that you can just make out.

Since there are no hardwood trees it made little sense to have a wattle and daub house as while those were common in the middle ages, they required hardwood for the frame of the buildings. Instead through my research it appeared that either an adobe or cob house would be better suited to the surrounding building materials. With both adobe and cob houses it is possible to make curved walls and stunning arches. I took that a step further and thought that it should be possible to make a round windows and an arched door, which provides a rather whimsical look.

Since my domain includes caves and quarries I included a cave in the picture. While I am not sure precisely what type of rock material is quarried in Vit Kanin I took the liberty of using slate for the roof on the house. If slate is mined in the quarries then it would make both a great roof as well as good flooring material.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to participate in this event. I hope you like my picture.

Count Weylyn of Vit Kanin. Friend code B7D0EF

10/11/2019 1:38:49 PM #1

Wow! That's really cool and looks beautiful!

10/11/2019 11:26:12 PM #2

Beautiful. That home looks comfy. I also really like the contrast between the two mountain ranges.

Well done.

10/12/2019 2:24:30 AM #3

Thanks Calysta and Psiedje! For the mountain range I used different colors to show depth. Usually as things get further in the distance they get lighter and as things come closer they get darker. I'm glad you like it!

Count Weylyn of Vit Kanin. Friend code B7D0EF