Mixing tribes!?

So what happens if I want to mix a Brudvir with a Weird or a Hroti with a Kypiq? And is it/when is it possible..?

Will the eye colours be inbetween for example or, will it be from one tribe or from the other.. etc.

"In between wrong doing ...&... right doing. There is a ...field... Let's meet over there" - Rumi

10/30/2019 9:34:55 PM #1

Yes, any tribe can breed with any tribe at any point they are able to make a baby contract

10/30/2019 9:39:13 PM #2

Posted By VioletWinterlynn at 10:34 PM - Wed Oct 30 2019

Yes, any tribe can breed with any tribe at any point they are able to make a baby contract

so.. how sure are you and do u have a link or something about it? (I am happy with the answer offcorse :P)

"In between wrong doing ...&... right doing. There is a ...field... Let's meet over there" - Rumi

10/30/2019 9:43:11 PM #3

I am 100% sure as it has been stated by Caspian on multiple occasions when asked about it.

Mann are all of the same, no matter the different tribe. There isn't that vast of differences between the tribes and you'll be able to breed out the genes of both tribes to create a creative mixture of the different tribes.

10/30/2019 9:46:29 PM #4

What we mean by constraints are mechanics put in place to ensure breeding between all the different tribes remains achievable and believable.

Found the link that I was looking for I hope it helps~!

10/30/2019 9:52:30 PM #5

Yes thats a nice link!! thanks a lot :D Have some nice material to read again hahah

"In between wrong doing ...&... right doing. There is a ...field... Let's meet over there" - Rumi

10/30/2019 10:28:42 PM #6

ahh so tribes can be mixed. Would there be any downfall to it? Arent tribes supposed to be adapted to their environment in the first place? Would a "Pure" have advantages over a non pure or the opposite? Is this going to turn into a breed a race with people trying to gain all the best traits and weed out the bad ones? Only time will tell. Interesting.

10/30/2019 10:43:28 PM #7

I don't think interbreeding tribes will be all to the good. Some tribes are quite "tribal" (if you will), meaning that they treasure their own culture very much, are loath to adopt cultural traits of other tribes, look askance at any tribe members who breed with outsiders, and consequently tend to dislike and distrust the offspring of mixed breeding. In game interaction terms, this will tend to result in some difficulty being accepted by NPCs for mixed breeds of some tribes. You can probably make some good guesses as to which tribes will be as I described by reading their descriptions in the Game Guide and other lore.

The bottom line is that some mixed breeds will probably be committed to the more cosmopolitan settlements, and may have difficulty taking advantage of all their tribal perks as a result.

10/30/2019 10:44:59 PM #8

You could think of it "diluting" their "genes"

You'd be "weakening" their "pure" attributes to biomes, culture etc. But you might also be adapting them better for both areas/occasions. You can even breed internally (Incest)