yes. current information states that if you squat on land for 28days (4eyrs) then you gain the right to that land. Currently, squating information is pushed by 'game mechanic magic' to the count's LMT. He will likely know you are doing it and come forcefully remove you. However, Snipe has mentioned that he does not like the info magically being pushed to the LMT.
I believe that squating means that you built a dwelling and bed on it and that the land becomes ancestral land when successfully squated.
I hope that the 'gaining ownership rights' (becoming ancestral land) and the 'magic push to the LMT' of the squat mechanic are removed. I believe that it would be much better if the LMT is only updated after a character that knows the LMT learns about the squater and then reports the squater to the LMT. And I do not understand how someone could legally steal the rights from a count after the king granted governorship of the land to the count. I believe converting county land to ancestral land should only occur with the king's direct permission.
Another hope that I have is that ancestral land can be combined into an ancestral settlement. The settlement would not governed by the count and it could only legally add ancestral land to the settlement. However, it could illegally incorporate land, just like a squater.