Scribes of Sarnur

Kingdom: Demalion

Duchy: Sarnur

County: Grimaz Izril

Settlement: Vaen Izril

Objective: Develop and maintain a network of knowledge sharing within the duchy to supply all organisations with all known knowledge to aid in learning and research. Train scribes in the ways of Hrothic preservation techniques.

Main activities: Duplication of scrolls/manuscripts onto stone tablets and golden pages to withstand the passage of time. Transportation of knowledge throughout the duchy. Researching new printing/scribing techniques with stone and metals.

Further Information: The type of organisation (guild/school/association) is currently unknown until more details are available. However, the organisation will be working closely with local libraries, engravers, miners, masons, and smiths to acquire materials and skills necessary to achieve our goal. The preservation and permanence of stored knowledge will be vital to ensure that future generations have access to the accumulated knowledge of Elyria. Hrothi scribing techniques will be also be taught to create works of art of the highest quality which will be sent to Khaz Kron (Hall of Books) in the duchy capital. Scribes will travel in groups to libraries and duplicate books on site. Excess copies will be sent to other libraries to ensure wide availability of knowledge.

Warehousing: Large vaults and libraries will be needed to store both books and scrolls, and stone/metal type for printing. Librarians will be needed to maintain and organise the texts, and to ensure the same texts aren’t duplicated more than necessary, thus saving resources and allowing for more efficient distribution of knowledge.

Sarnur Discord: