
Is this possible? I would love to eat some tasty human meat in game. :)

I believe Cannibalism could be a neat little mechanic in the game. It promotes realism and adds depth into the game. Imagine a country that is going through a famine, what is the next food source? Human meat. With not other food source available, what would you do? Would you uphold your moral code or give in to your hunger? (Suggestion: Maybe whenever you consume human meat, your affinity toward the dark side increases?)

I think it would be a nice little feature to have whether it is for role playing purpose for role players or to provoke moral dilemma for normal players.

What do you guys think about Cannibalism in CoE? Do you think it should be allowed in CoE? Let me know. >=D

-The next Hannibal Lecter

9/17/2015 3:37:16 AM #1

Well, first and foremost, I think cannibalism is a great way to spread Prions, and therefore I can't really recommend it.

Honestly, I'm not sure how Caspian feels about this. I think it would be an interesting mechanic at least.

I'll definitely ask him about this.



9/17/2015 3:46:15 AM #2

Prions is mostly in the brain, other body parts should be fine. I guess it should be fine if we avoid eating the brain.

But the brain do look awfully delicious as well....

9/17/2015 3:57:56 AM #3

If you are asking what do we think? Personally I would not like it. I could understand reasons to put it in game but I just find it troubling. Now if it was for a Werewolf PC then sure. Just for the sake of cannibalism, not so much.

9/17/2015 4:05:31 AM #4

I think you also need to consider the wider implications of this in the market ratings of various regions.

Cannibalism / Incest (see my thread about couples playing in a family and incarnating into their children) and being banned for sale / use in a region because of certain topics/experiences in-game.

9/17/2015 6:48:44 AM #5

Damn, i was totally going to make this post.
A good question to add is, "if i engage in cannibalism for an extended time, can i become a supernatural creature (ghoul)?"

9/17/2015 7:17:40 AM #6

That implies the act of eating human meat is going to cause a magical effect. I think if anything you would get quite sick and die eventually... without some special external influence that is going to take several months of gameplay to complete at the least. As it would potentially be illegal and in-turn if caught thrown in jail where you cannot partake in your existing hobbies thus not be able to continue down that path. In turn shortening your soul life and thus dying and re-spawning as a new character.

9/17/2015 7:45:04 AM #7

You can kill 8 year olds but we cannot eat people?

Personally my character would never eat people but it should be a feature for those that want to undertake such activities.

9/17/2015 8:21:37 AM #8

It should only be a feature if it is a game mechanic the developers want to support for their overall game system.

9/17/2015 8:54:30 AM #9

Yeah the devs have said many times if that a feature doesn't add any value for the game, they don't implement it. Adding things for the sake of it, without any benefit, is pointless in my opinion.

9/17/2015 10:59:17 AM #10

It actually would add some interesting possiblilties.

We already know you need FOOD!. when you run out of supplies eating one of your children or friends could be the only way to survive. (for example if you are stuck in and ice storm) Stuff like this happend A LOT in our history so adding it to the game would be cool.

Jamestown Colonists Resorted to Cannibalism

WARNING: The above post may contain sarcasm and/or sophisticated satire. Any psychological damage sustained is purely your fault!

9/17/2015 10:59:18 AM #11

Survival skills are important when everything works against you. On one hand we have the need to eat and drink regularly, we have possible death caused by thirst and starvation, while on the other hand we have our survival skills, a few tools we need to preserve our life.

So yea, we need options, or our death would be meaningless and unfair. To die of thirst with snow all around you, or to die of starvation when you have access to meat, that looks a bit unfair.

9/17/2015 11:54:56 AM #12

I agree survival skills are important, I love the idea of being able to melt snow if you have managed to get a fire going. Getting food by savaging or setting traps. However, I think cannibalism is one of those systems that I just do not see the point of. Yes there are huge hosts of things that are 'technically' possible to do to survive and that people have done in the past. However, the idea of adding all of them to the game, however extreme, just seems like an absurd waste of time to me.

Yes there is realism, there is also a limit to time and budget. I think you have to look at a system and say “Is this actually going to make the game better, or are we just adding it because it exists?”

Perhaps next time just plan your adventure better. Take more supplies, interact with those who are farmers, chefs and craftsman. Support those aspects of the game rather than just rely on being able to eat your party members.

Author of the Elyria Echo the first, and least up-to-date, CoE fan site.

9/17/2015 12:33:18 PM #13

I dont think it would be a lot of extra work.

Just apply the same stystem you use for butchering all other animals

WARNING: The above post may contain sarcasm and/or sophisticated satire. Any psychological damage sustained is purely your fault!

9/17/2015 5:09:28 PM #14

We all know Amarok really wants to grab a bite on Zultra.

And if you cook the meat, alot of disease issues kind of fades away.

Also, prions shouldn't be a problem in a medieval society I think =P We'll have other dramas to deal with i bet XD

HOWEVER, I do agree with Mom on this. Some features do not make much "sense" in the way that they do not really add much to the game (you can only eat someone who perma dies, and most people won't be permadying untill they are old as hell - probably inside their homes since i doubt 80yo people will go out adventuring).

It's like the euthanasia. I agree with homicide, suicide is inherent to the game mechanics, but euthanasia just seems pointless given you already have so many ways to die XD

Or at least for me it doesn't feel like a required thing. You can already steal everything the person is carrying... let the muscles be guys ahahahahaha

9/17/2015 5:57:29 PM #15

I bet there will be several professional adventurers that dies much younger than 80. If you adventure all the time, and fight daemons and dragons and vampire and the like then you will probably take a stroll through the astral plane more than once. I imagine, especially the first time a soul is used, that there will be a lot of people dying much younger out in the wilderness.

On the issue proposed. Im okay with it being in game simply because there are scenarios where it would be 'necessary' for survival. Its already been brought up. What if my adventuring party of 5 gets trapped by an avalanche and we are stuck in a cave and cant get out. If one of us permadies and the others are out of food. Why not cook up Greg and try and live long enough to get out?