Cannibalism/Skeleton usage

Since when someone perma-dies it leaves behind a corpse that eventually rots into a skeleton and never really goes anywhere, can we expect people in the wilderness starving have to resort to eating the dead ( Mysterious meat pie anyone?)? And could we expect to see skeleton pieces be used to make things like adornments on armor, skull masks, skull goblets, rib cages put over the chest of our armor, etc.? Perhaps possibility dumping the corpses in a towns aquifer to poison the water supply or fermenting down rotting human flesh into deadly necrotic poisons?

~May Melon be with you~

5/15/2016 10:16:14 PM #1

They've already said there won't be any cannibalism in the game so NO, no mystery meat pies and you won't be using skeletal parts for things.

Mayor of Funny Farms Inc.

5/15/2016 10:16:26 PM #2

I think the skull armor is more likely than the cannibalism. They would have to add the ability to do so so the developers would have to go out of there way to program the ability to eat a corpse. I'm sure as the years progress they may add this as this could add an interesting aspect if they made an NPC wilderness village in the middle of nowhere that were cannibals and you could join. But straight away I don't think so though It would be cool.

Friend Code: 2D5EDD

5/15/2016 10:45:31 PM #3

I want to make a sceletal colossus built from the remains of perma dead players!!!!!

5/15/2016 10:54:32 PM #4

I believe the devs have said multiple times that cannibalism will not be in the game. However, like with other animals, harvesting parts from bodies may be an option. They may have changed their minds on that recently too, though.