Arkadia: Market day and the contract harlot.

In the aftermath of the peace with Nirath life was beginning to turn back to normal. Not that it had ever truly changed but you could still see the difference in attitude.

Two days ago people had been more furtive with worried glances and constant sighs. It was to be expected. When war had loomed on the horizon small matters were swept away by the threat of slaughter. Speculation had been rife and while arms merchants had made an absolute killing selling their stock, no one else had been willing to part with their goods in case of hardship.

Now it was different. The market was bustling with people dressed in their finest as if today was a feast day. I suppose in a way it was, it is not every day that the shadow that clouds your life is lifted and the sun comes back out.

I was walking through the market looking for a few necessaries, a new journal to record my thoughts, some rations for my travels and perhaps a new hat, when the hustle and bustle, the shouting of merchants plugging their wares to the unwary, was interrupted by the sound of a slap cutting through the noise like a whip, hard and sharp.

My curiosity overcame me and I started walking towards the sound.

The sight that I saw was amusing and comical yet somehow pitiful as well. A man was kneeling on the ground holding his hand to his reddening cheek while a woman was breathing heavily her hand raised to strike again.

"But I love you!" The man protested.

"Shit on your love and shit on you!" She cried, tears on her face. "You say you love me. So why? Why would you do this?"

The man, still on his knees said. "I don't know it just happened..."

"It just happened? It just happened? You signed a contract?!? To have children! How could that just happen???" The woman screamed at him, her face a glowing ember, a mask of rage.

"I..." The man whimpered. "She had such lovely purple eyes... and I.,I... I thought; wouldn't it be nice if my son had such eyes... It was just the once and I was drunk. I didn't mean for it to happen. I still love you."

"And now she's pregnant! You bastard! That contract harlot's pregnant!" She started hitting his head.

"I hate you!" Another blow. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" She kept on hitting him until she was out of breath. Every strike was coupled with sobs, as a river of snot and tears flowed from her face.

"I'm sorry." The man continued whimpering as he shielded his head.

She stopped hitting him. "Tell me. Was I not good enough? Why? Weren't my eyes pretty enough? What was it? Was it just the eyes?"

I could see the instant she broke, it was like a rope strung taught snapping. Her entire body so rigid before started shivering. She collapsed as the rage that had fueled her burned out and only the pain of betrayal remained.

I felt for her. I really did.

Not only did he cheat but he cheated for the purposes of having children? It quite boggles the mind. Forgive me dear readers but I felt no sympathy for that man, who was so tempted by the thought of unique children. He deserved a slap and more.

A few women rounded up the broken wreck of woman, surrounding her and carrying her off while the man was left kneeling on the ground, surrounded by resentful gazes.

Just another market day in Arkadia. I suppose this scene although devastating for the two involved was a good sign.

After all when people stop focusing on the larger threats and start focusing on the minutiae of their day to day lives it can only signal a return to normalcy that was so needed.

I returned to my shopping trip, gladdened by the fact that life, messy and ugly as it was under the best of circumstances, was still going strong.

Let us hope it shall remain that way.