Website Down for Maintenance Today at 5pm PDT

Hi All!

UPDATE: We are taking the website down at 8pm PDT.

Today's the day. We will be taking the website offline at 5pm PDT, after normal business hours, for maintenance and upgrade.

The website will be down for an estimated 2-3 hours while we re-map the database tables from v1 to v2 format, migrate the data, migrate the website, and run all our tests to verify the integrity of the website.

We will post a follow-up post to this thread an hour before the site goes down, 5 minutes before the site goes down, and then once the site is up again.

Thanks for your patience this evening while we improve your web experience. If you become starved for CoE social interaction during that time, feel free to join your fellow community members in our Official IRC channel.

Best Regards,

7/8/2016 3:00:46 PM #1

Exciting times :)

FWIW, I was KS Backer #21 and wanted nothing but the best for this game.

7/8/2016 10:53:08 PM #2

Hey Folks,

Just a quick update. We continue to work toward the launch of the new website, however there are some outstanding issues still being worked on.

Rather than keep the website down for a prolonged period of time we're going to push back the start of the down-time a bit while we investigate.

So, the website will now be going down for maintenance at 8pm PDT.

Thanks for your patience.

7/9/2016 2:08:01 AM #3

The website will be coming down for maintenance as scheduled at 8pm PDT, in approx. 50 minutes

7/9/2016 2:44:58 AM #4

15 Minute Warning! The website will be going down for an undetermined amount of time for maintenance, beginning in 15 minutes.

7/9/2016 2:58:29 AM #5

Hey Folks. Less than 5 minutes until the website goes down. If you need your fix while we're offline, make sure to head to IRC Chat