25 October

Tier Price Extension

By Vye

Hail, Elyrians!

It’s only been one day since my last update but already I have news for you! As you know, we’ve been working on getting the layaway system set up in the store and that has been looming against the end-of-October deadline for locking in the original Kickstarter product tiers.

A lot of voices from the community have cried out, “Fie on thee, that thou maketh we folk laya-wait to layaway such golden treasure in so brief a date!” Well, maybe it’s only in my head that people cried out like that but, regardless, I am still happy to tell you that we’re going to extend the original Kickstarter packages—which will be the best value ever offered—until mid-November. Better than just a couple days, isn’t it?

This also allows for a couple other fun things:

First is that it will be super obvious when the packages change because it will coincide with the turbo-excellent-mega-store-design update I talked about in yesterday’s post!

Second, it will allow us to introduce your earned IP as a spendable, same-as-cash option for purchasing things on layaway. So, those of you who earned IP through friend referrals or other means will be get an opportunity to use it before the prices and packages change.

In summary: layaway is coming very soon, the Kickstarter packages will extend to mid-November to coincide with the new store experience, and you’ll be able to spend your IP on layaway. Sound good? I think it does!

Pledged to Your Continued Adventures in Life, Both Actual and Fantasy,
