Traditional Mobs and CoE

While we know this game is going to be quite a bit different than your standard MMO, there have been mention of various other races besides human, though many of them seem more 'mythical', as in I am not sure how aware the average human is of the creatures existence.

My question to the devs, and to any community members who might have some info I haven't seen elsewhere, is what can we expect in regards to traditional MMO challenges. Are most of the foes we going to face humans (NPC's and PC's), or will there be sizable non-human threats? Nomadic goblin bands looking to raid and plunder. Orcish tribes defending the wild lands. Kobolds with vast tunnel towns beneath hills.

If more traditional 'mob camps' are in the game I would like to see them have that dynamic world type of feel CoE seems to be trying to give us. A goblin tribe might settle in an area near your village. Patrols of goblins seeking out threats comb the surrounding areas of their village until they find yours. Raiding parties start heading out. The goblin village gets bigger with the success' they have at raiding, thus necessitating players seek to resolve the problem sooner rather than later.

Perhaps there are diplomatic solutions with some non-humans, goblin workers toiling away in human run fields while goblin warriors are supplied with iron tools made by human blacksmiths, etc.

Just got to wondering what I might expect out beyond the civilized spaces of the world, and how human our world truly is.

7/27/2016 6:34:31 PM #1

Players will play as Children of Mann, a humanoid race similar to modern humans but with several evolutionary differences dependant on their local environment. There are Daemons, powerful beings that are not, at least not all, human. It is believed that at least one type of Daemon will resemble a dragon.

There are also a range of fantasy creatures in the world, such the Ursaphant and Serpentaur.

There are also believed to be Lich's, Vampires and hybrid vampires called Damphyrs.

There will definately be non-human threats and some, certainly at least Daemons, will have the intelligence to be a threat.

>If more traditional 'mob camps' are in the game I would like to see them have that dynamic world type of feel CoE seems to be trying to give us. A goblin tribe might settle in an area near your village. Patrols of goblins seeking out threats comb the surrounding areas of their village until they find yours. Raiding parties start heading out. The goblin village gets bigger with the success' they have at raiding, thus necessitating players seek to resolve the problem sooner rather than later. >

This is what is planned, except with bandits. There are no confirmed reports of goblins but who knows at this point. Some animals will have the intelligence to strategically attack settlements and be enough of a threat to require dealing with. They will also actively stalk you if you are foolish enough to go out in the wilderness unprepared.

Hope this helps.

Friend Code: F44A07

7/27/2016 7:11:03 PM #2

Okay, I've been thinking about the he potential of different bloodlines, the diversity of them and how they could fit, at least partially, into your more common, traditional fantasy tropes.

From the QnA's, we heard mention of four different bloodlines, whether they're confirmed or not. Tall, long eared forest dwellers, analogous to elves. Short, sturdy cave dwellers, much like dwarves. Tall, burly mountain dwellers, giants of a sort. And quick and tough desert dwellers, who have no major counterparts within traditional fantasy.

These four examples illustrate the potential diversity among the Children of Mann. What are some of the other potentials, drawing from traditional fantasy. I'll be referencing the images of character customization here:

Orc: Tough, strong, bulk types with strong brow and chin, wide nose. Wide shoulders and chest. Maybe not green skin, but some sort of swarthy tone that could fit it.

Gnomes/handling: Short, small, quick and cunning. I know they're normally 2 distinct groups, but they actually have a lot in common from a CoE stand point. Longer ears, bit feet for their size.

Goblins: shorter, big ears, big nose, lanky arms. Again, maybe not green skin, but unusual.

Drow: This I actually see emerging within play itself. Take the elf analogous and create a family that tends toward darker skin (or more realistically lighter skin, since they don't the sun very often). Throw in a dash of albinism. Once tunneling is in game, make an underground city or several settlements from which to raid the lesser, surface world.

My point is the opportunities are definitely there. I personally like that although we have these analogues, SBS isn't just saying, theses are elves and dwarves and such. They have their own flavor unique to the world and the lore, in addition to bloodlines that will be distinct to CoE.

This is Elyria, it's own unique world unlike any we've seen before, and as it should be. CoE has the potential to be a game unlike any we've seen before. I know it's tough to hear fantasy and not start projecting our preconceived notions. However, I imagine this world will be distinctly it's own.


7/27/2016 8:06:06 PM #3

Orc: Tough, strong, bulk types with strong brow and chin, wide nose. Wide shoulders and chest. Maybe not green skin, but some sort of swarthy tone that could fit it.

Gnomes/handling: Short, small, quick and cunning. I know they're normally 2 distinct groups, but they actually have a lot in common from a CoE stand point. Longer ears, bit feet for their size.

Goblins: shorter, big ears, big nose, lanky arms. Again, maybe not green skin, but unusual.

Drow: This I actually see emerging within play itself. Take the elf analogous and create a family that tends toward darker skin (or more realistically lighter skin, since they don't the sun very often). Throw in a dash of albinism. Once tunneling is in game, make an underground city or several settlements from which to raid the lesser, surface world.

@Ihathis - 1:11 PM - Wed Jul 27 2016

It remains to be seen how long it takes for an entire bloodline's traits to alter based on the environment, and whether it's even possible to be altered to this extent. We'll have to wait and see, but I do like that everyone in the world is a Child of Mann instead of some niche fantasy race that is entirely separate.

7/28/2016 4:07:27 PM #4

I've not seen any game that I can think of pull off dynamic mob spawns that evolve, or die, depending on their environment but I'd really like to see that in CoE.

I figured there would be bandit like threats but it would be good to see a dev diary on the threats we will face, from animals to Daemons, and organizations on Mann.