Gremory County [NA-W]

Welcome to Gremory County.

Gremory County is an open and inviting place that you will find welcoming to lawful community driven citizens who are looking to help build a strong, well-rounded, functioning society. Our communities will always have a need for citizens to fill a vast range of postions. If you are in the market for a place to call home feel free to contact us on our Discord. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have before you decide to make our home you own.

For anyone who is looking for the challenges of being an active member of our Court please @Count & Countess in the county Discord. This court is not restricted to nobility. In fact, it would be more effective if members of the Court where citizens looking to become a part of the aristocracy. Inquiries are most welcome from anyone interested in helping to guide the shape of our wonderful county.

Ambassadors and Representatives, if you are looking to conduct diplomatic proceedings. Please be sure to join our discord and announce yourself in the channel as an Official Ambassador and whom you represent. As such you will be afforded the correct credentials and you will be received by a member of the Court of Gremory County as soon as possible.

Wanted: Mayors, Barrons, Entrepreneurs, Citizens

Our Vision

We make no promises of being a vast economic trading hub. Although I we will be aming for a place closer to the center of the duchy. We will not tell you that we stand for unending PVP action and that we are taking over the world. Sorry, Pinky. Until the time of land selection who knows what position we’ll be in or what naturally resources will be available in our region. We will not over emphasize any portion of our society in the beginning. What I will say is this...

As a community, we stand for our people and a balanced adaptive approach. We are looking to build a diverse community capable of fulfilling the needs and wants of our people. Societies are interdependent living things that will not stand on one industries laurels alone. By standing together and organizing we can forge a community that will be a shining beacon of safety, progress, and prosperity that will withstand the test of time. As a people, we must be ready for an ever-changing environment and realize that all industries provide for the common good.

Your efforts matter! No matter how small your choices and actions, they will have far-reaching and lasting effects not only within our lands but beyond the borders of Gremory County. The path we take as a community will have ramifications that course through our fair Duchy of The Haverlands, flow through our great Kingdom of Ashland and ripple into all of Elyria. What you do today creates building blocks for tomorrow.

Come hang out with us on our Discords:

County of Gremory

Duchy of the Haverlands

Kingdom of Ashland

Every great house is built out of a collection of stones. We are but a stone in the foundation of our nation. To that end please check out the form posts for:

Post for Duchy of the Haverlands

Post for Kingdom of Ashland

This post will be updated as possible. - Count Marius Gremory

12/3/2016 1:52:37 AM #1


The Gremory County Settlement Council (GCSC)

The Gremory County Settlement Council consists of all Barons, Baroness, Magistrates, Mayors, and select Village Elders who hold land and title within a registered settlement within Gremory County. The Council’s role is to vote on County regulations.

Responsibilities of Councilors as members of the Council in regards to meetings include drafting documents for presentation at meetings, attending meetings, and voting on official proposals and sanctions. Responsibilities of Councilors outside of meetings include, but are not limited to, communication with Ministers of the County Court, promotion of the law, and formation of governing bodies within individual settlements.

Click Here For more information on the Settlement Council Work in progress

Court of Gremory County (CGC)

The role of the Court is to act as advisors to the Count(s) in matters of state. Ministers of the Court are expected to become experts in their fields and maintain a level of discretion with restricted information. They will keep an open level of communication with the Count(s) and Members of the Settlement Council and attend Settlement Council meetings to the best of their ability to keep up to date on county legislation. Each Minister acts as the head for their respective ministry.

The Court of Gremory County currently consists of five Ministries. Ministry of Court Ministry of Defense Ministry of Resource Ministry of Treasury Ministry of Education

Click Here For more information on the Court of Gremory County Work in progress

12/3/2016 1:52:46 AM #2

Check out some of the Groups and Organizations in Gremory County

Government Organizations

Ministry of Court
Ministry of Defense

GCG - Gremory County Guard

Ministry of Resource
Ministry of Treasury
Ministry of Education






12/3/2016 1:53:01 AM #3

Houses of Gremory County

House Gremory

12/3/2016 1:53:08 AM #4

Businesses of Gremory County

Reach me on our County's Discord to be added to this list.

12/3/2016 1:53:23 AM #5

12/3/2016 1:53:45 AM #6

12/5/2016 7:41:57 PM #7

looks great man wish you luck!

12/8/2016 10:40:23 AM #8

I like the part about your vision.

4/2/2017 8:20:36 PM #9

Looking good Count Marius! More than I've done for my County yet.

4/19/2017 6:58:03 PM #10

looking good!