Create your own book(s) ?

I didn't see any of that kind of idea anywhere (maybe already treated, but not-english speaker, sry ^^')

I don't know if an Engine or a server (or multiple servers) can hold created books. (also, not good at informatics. Hi.) But I saw you can create your own map, and there's libraries, so I was like : maybe you can write your own bestiary/potion recipies list/and so on ? (Maybe if validated by someone trusted by designers before it can be sell/copied via the library so no @$! in it, you know. I dunno.)

8/3/2017 3:53:30 AM #16

Posted By Ithikari at 09:10 AM - Wed Dec 14 2016

I will be making an erotic novel series called The lusty Leffit Maid.

Which will probably be banned

• Proprietor • Programmer • Gamer • PsalmFirewall • NA-W • Friend Code: 62E37D •

8/3/2017 4:51:31 AM #17

Posted By Maulvorn at 11:02 AM - Wed Dec 14 2016

I want to know if you literally can make your own novel.

I want to make a biography of myself.

And don't forget "The Beginner's Guide to Proper Horsemanship"! :P

8/3/2017 5:09:13 AM #18

If a player copies an entire book word for word from our world to Elyria I wonder if that would be copyright infringement..

I'm not a doctor.

8/17/2017 8:08:29 PM #19

Even if it's not entire books with hundreds of pages it'd be interesting to have the possibility to write short letters, compose poetry about Elyrian events, note information about where you hid a treasure etc... The opportunities would be limitless and definitely add depth to the world. Just imagine finding a note by a player about what had happened at some old abandoned castle a couple of years ago...!

8/17/2017 8:28:39 PM #20

You have all forgotten the single. Most. Important. Thing about a book

It can also be used as a hat :D

House BloodBeard - Kill the boy, let the man be born

~~All Hail the Lord of Fire~~

9/21/2018 5:22:02 PM #21

It's actually one of the things I most look forward to.

Back in the MUD days, I used to play on Dark Legacy.

You could craft the tools to chop down some wood, which you could then plank (with other tools you could craft) and then take the planks and make them into paper (with other tools you could craft) then bind them into a book (with other tools/items you could craft) and write it in with ink (that you could craft) then write in it to make a book you could sell.

10/4/2018 3:20:25 PM #22

Posted By Kuraichan at 4:08 PM - Wed Aug 02 2017

But those books will be expensive actually should be because you know we are talking about an enviroment problably don't have technology to that extent and books will be handwritten. I think it should be like that because its funny and make every book unique.

Was not even thinking about the price of books until this thread. Suddenly a library seems unattainable to say, a ward of the state that cant find a guild that specializes in his interests. He virtually Has to find someone to apprentice under or succumb to the idea of a long arduous learning curve. Alternately he is lead astray by less noble pursuits to put food in his mouth.

10/4/2018 7:22:54 PM #23

Wonder if one could leave an OPC to copy a book, given enough materials. Would help in selling maps too (instead of making the same map twice).

NA-East. Cartography, linguistics and apiculture.

11/12/2018 9:36:15 PM #24

I don't have time to write War and Peace but I could definitely churn out short story smut at mere cents to the dollar. People will be trading them like pokemon cards

12/6/2019 4:18:31 AM #25

Posted By CaptainCharlemagne at 6:48 PM - Sun Apr 30 2017

Posted By Cheshireone at 08:13 AM - Wed Jan 11 2017

Posted By Honeybrew at 10:22 PM - Sat Dec 17 2016

The Elyrian Library will consist of 20% skill books, 5% prefabricated books for world reference, 6% player-created non-erotica, and 69% player-created erotica.

Well now I have to open Elyria's first pubic library.

Im afraid of people making books...there would be too much garbage to sift through

Thus being a librarian would be a serious undertaking, indeed a full profession. Unless there was some sort of literacy system implemented. Then most people would have to find a scribe and they could do the job of filtering out all the garbage, only taking serious clients, for serious money.

Sir Vereneth Faithful of the Grand Church

12/7/2019 6:15:23 AM #26

im hoping that for all the books we know will exist via events and such there will be many pieces of knowledge lacking allowing us to make addendums and companion pieces to the basic knowledge. Just how blueprints and recipes will work is a point im very eager to hear more on. Needing a personal library of techniques and recipes/blueprints to bequeath to your heir because you were a master smith- insert whatever profession you will pursue- because your heir will have the skill ramps but not the character knowledge to immediately pursue all your previous accomplishments would make replicating such items a necessity and an interesting issue to challenge communities who don't keep these resources secure. Imagine your kingdom is suffers a massive population loss from an event- say you didn't prepare and lose most of your best old masters during the longest night- and the players spark into a younger and less skilled heir but they didn't record their recipes! Eventually you will be able to bootstrap yourself up with meta knowledge but the time lost tinkering might cause a crisis in other areas.

Im hoping that some actions will be flat out prohibited without a certain amount of character skill. For example if coming across a premium blend of nutrients for a particular crop in a particular biome to maximize growth, I hope that SBS wont allow anyone to just take a fresh character and mix ingredients to exactly that proportion without having some level of in game knowledge in the field to warrant them using that exact blend.