Oh man I'm glad we hit mines goal. I am so glad. Soooo so glad.
Those sheathing and unsheathing animations look awesome! I love the conservation of movement. Can't wait to get my hands on some daggers.
Also, for anyone reading: Are name or freeform engraving on weapons and armor going to be a thing?
I was most pleased with the merchant stall picture and it had nothing to do with the back scratching lol. I really am hoping for in depth merchanting!
Nice pics, i also love the little story behind each of them. However, concerning the ponytail girl, I suppose that she didn't had a happy end with that well...
Welcome to Wiz, good luck with your crate.... And thanks to the team for your work.
Pretty sure that picture with the crate.. there are some D&D books stacked up next to the shelf? XD Loooove it! Break time must be pretty epic. Too bad I couldn't afford the trip to the studio. :'(
Lol. Looks like a mob boss pose on that crate. "The Godmother"? Lol
On a more serious note, the screenies are looking awesome, though some are a bit dark for my phone :)
Note sure about the "blood surround" on the screen for injury though. Had much feedback? Compare with a soft red fadein around the rim?
Posted By Vye at 04:00 AM - Thu Feb 23 2017
Andry really cares for his citizens and goes above and beyond giving back scratches in the market (note: this is actually a bug, but it looks funny)
Hope it isn't too late to turn this bug into a feature? ;)
I agree with you, it is just very out of place looking. Soft red fade, I would really hate it but I know some games your entire vision goes out of focus (blahhh!). Would really like to see the injuries apparent ON the character. If Iv received a cut to the chest, a dark red stain in that general area, etc. This would be great for me, but even better for my friends to know I am in trouble, and for my enemies to know that I am hurting and potentially vulnerable. (Not that I expect such from you now, of course. You folks keep rocking, just a mental poke in where I hope your already headed)
Evil? More like Chaotic Neutral...ish
I really, really like what I see with the clothing, climbing, and weapons. I love the fluidity with which the character climbs- you can almost feel the exertion of gravity when he does his final jump/pull. However, while the drawing/sheathing looks really polished and smooth, it almost seems to polished and quick. Particularly on the re sheathing, it seems like drawing out the animation even a half second longer here or there would make all the difference in making it seem more life like. I know things are early, and I wouldn't be surprised to find this animation in a finished game, but for the level of realism you aim for I think it may help.
Evil? More like Chaotic Neutral...ish
Posted By Scourge at 09:59 AM - Thu Feb 23 2017
I agree with you, it is just very out of place looking. Soft red fade, I would really hate it but I know some games your entire vision goes out of focus (blahhh!). Would really like to see the injuries apparent ON the character. If Iv received a cut to the chest, a dark red stain in that general area, etc. This would be great for me, but even better for my friends to know I am in trouble, and for my enemies to know that I am hurting and potentially vulnerable. (Not that I expect such from you now, of course. You folks keep rocking, just a mental poke in where I hope your already headed)
That's a good idea. :)
Just taking a look on the PC - can see images better. Trying for more helpful feedback ;)
For the records the games looking awesome, and these are tiny niggles, but usually best to mention in case they don't get spotted, though doesn't really matter.
'When you get hurt, you'll know it!'. Is there an easy means to vary the coloring on the bare earth texture? If you look under the trees in the distance, the bare earth looks a little too plain if that makes sense. For example, can random 'terrain' rocks be visualised? Earth often includes rock. Rock comes with dirt and bare earth less often, but it feels like it needs more ridges, detail and shading.
'Punching! She's totally about to clock this guy...' - The only thing that jumped out, and it's tiny, is the box of tomatoes. The texture looks very flat :)
'Falling looks like falling, and the ponytail even reacts correctly' Loving it. Needs smoke ie from chimeys and life most of all. Random thought. How good is the weather engine? For example, can you have light dust effects near bare earth, light straw in the wind near farms, a few 'dandelion' or insect effects near grass etc? Perhaps a cross of both when close enough? If it works anything like snow, could a light layer of particles vary the texturing on the earth too?
'The Silver Run mines started as natural caves carved out by the river' and 'Looks like the bridge is out...'. The Floor in the first one seems to have very little texturing. The texture on the second image in particular is a little muted if that makes sense. Not very vibrant or detailed. Also looks very flat on that second picture in particular. Probably the weakest screenie. Could the 'Post' in the ground include a small 'dirt mound' or anything to make it look more natural? Not sure if one of the legs extends into the rock too.
'Look at how pretty the underwater shader is!' Loving the gloomy effect. Lacks decor but that's for the future eh ;)
'Rilehya is pretty sure it's late enough in the day start drinking' Love it. Nice screenie. On a completely random note, were all those jars aligned the same way on purpose, or just automatic ie without rotation?
'Lem takes a break to have a snack and admire the view. Full disclosure: I was crouching in front of a rock to take a cool screenshot - actual rock-sitting not confirmed!' and 'Current fashion trend in New Haven: skirt and pants' Beautiful.
'Andry really cares for his citizens and goes above and beyond giving back scratches in the market (note: this is actually a bug, but it looks funny)' Superb but the only thing that still spoils it is the produce in the boxes.
'Rilehya skips out on her tavern bill and makes a run for it!' and 'Rilehya checks to make sure she's in the clear' and 'Sephryana takes her hammers for a walk in Silver Run'. Beautiful. The lighter sand textures on the path also work far better than the bare earth. Looking amazing ;)
<img src='http://pre05.deviantart.net/50e6/th/pre/f/2013/251/2/a/rockfaceby_paulinemoss-d6lhnrt.jpg' width='450'/>
Apologies for the birdie. Just an example with rocks interspersed. More barren ground with small pockets of grass could potentially break up a more plain texture. Grass could be dried out / sickly if insufficient in light, or with the odd fungus, root, other feature etc. Last ones desert apparently!
Hopefully the blood on the screen effect is something you can turn off. If the recent release of Conan Exiles is any indication, I am not alone in the sentiment of not liking that sort of thing. The community raised major hell about their blood on the screen effect as well. It just takes up too much of the screen and is far too opaque.
Otherwise, very good stuff here. Just wanted to raise that one concern.