Recruiting NA/EU The Knights Order

Recruiting NA-E The Knights Order


So where to start with this group. First things first we are not your average group you will be joining or to be a part of. We do plan to own a settlement (This settlement will be massive) but here's the trick we are only accepting people through an application system. What this means is you can be a traveler stopping by but if you want to own a shop, tavern, etc. you must become a part of our settlement. Or to even join our arms you must prove to us you can follow orders, train a lot, and be active. For our military standpoint, we will not be recruiting everyone we will be taking in one hundred soldiers. No more and no less, why you may ask? well, it's simple our military will strive to be the best and nothing less. As for our villagers, businessmen, and travelers our code is simple, if a villager becomes a member of our settlement then he will have protection at all times, he will be taught how to fight in case he is called upon for Militia service (if we ever get attacked we expect all villagers to serve as a militia man/woman). For adventurers, you're more than welcome to come in and trade or mess around but if you're wanting to settle then you must become a member. The main reason for this is if our villagers are supportive and they help in everyday events then in return they will live great lives and if you die in battle or other means your family will be compensated. We want villagers that will be loyal, smart, and honorable in return you will have an extremely good life.

Knights Order in a nutshell


Our order was once a strong and economically powerful civilization but with how strong an order gets the more enemies it makes, and so after five kingdoms seeing our wealth and our power decided to declare war upon us and split our kingdom once we were conquered. Once war was declared we decided to hold and fight back we knew it would be a fight we would lose due to time and manpower. Our kingdoms army was never big but we had something other kingdoms did not have and that is skill and mastery of our weapons. Once the waves of soldiers started to come in we started cutting through them like hot butter just mowing down wave after wave. Until we saw these waves would never end, these kingdoms had over thousands and thousands of soldiers compared to us, we had not even half. But an idea was formed and that idea was to hold back the enemy long enough to get a small group together to leave for the farthest reaches of the earth so we can rebuild and reclaim. Once this group was put together and about to leave the only thing left within the settlement was just the knights and their blood-soaked weapons and armor. For the militia, sadly they got killed in the initial waves of attacks and without hesitation the small group was sent away to find a new home, and the proud Knights of the order fell after defeating thousands of soldiers and with the after years of this great demise of our kingdom we have finally found a place to recall home and a place to rebirth and thriving Kingdom.

Who we are

We are a group that mainly balances out seriousness with fun we have our moments when we are serious and our moments when we joke and carry on. All villagers are considered equal part of the order and will be treated with respect. Also, villagers will thrive with us. We will have a focus into both the PVE and PVP aspects of CoE.

Who we are looking for

We want people that will be committed to this order/town and want to contribute and thrive.

The Order's Settlement

The Town of Königsberg will be located on the NA-E Server under the Kingdom of Bordweall in the Grand Duchy of Caeruleum, under the County of Shady. This location best suites our needs in the fact that we will have the most amount of freedom for our Order, settlement, and people. The town in and of itself will not be small; it will be a booming settlement where anyone can find a place to stay at the price of loyalty and respect. If you want to take a larger look at our Settlement then check out our post by clicking the picture above.


Visiting travelers will have access to all services and amenities of the settlement. Travelers from current enemies of the order will be denied access. Travelers who would like to settle and join the order can apply for citizenship or enlist into the military. Military service will be a minimum ten years (in game years). Compensation will be paid out if killed while in service. Heirs will then finish out the remaining service time. Completion of military service will award land within the settlement and full citizenship.


Merchants in our order will have access to land and will have protection from any bandits or raiding parties. A merchant is also able to hire peasants to work on their land if they have three things, food, shelter, and good pay (don't try to get free work it will not happen). We also expect our merchants to advertise our settlement and our goods, this class however will have to pay taxes but that will be decided by the order and the taxes will not be outrageous we want people to have a good life in our settlement. Finally, our merchants will have access to all trade routes the only people we do not want this class doing business with is the enemies of the order.


Civilians in our lands will have to go through the process of becoming a citizen we are not looking for idiots. Civilians will have the freedom to wander and adventure knowing they have a place to call home. We will have an application form below if some of you wish to try to join. We will also have a military application as well. Citizens will work for their lands and wealth but we promise a prosperous place to grow we wish to be strong economically and militaristically, but we are not a order that goes for nothing but war. War should be the last option and for us it is. The citizens will have to pay taxes but nothing insane and once you got what you want no one can take it away. However, in case of an invasion or any important events we expect all civilians to serve in the order as militiamen and women help us protect this land and in return we will prepare and teach all civilians how to fight. A militiaman will only be called to service in the form of an invasion or some important event, if a militiamen wishes to progress his or her career then they are welcomed to but the order will decide after we put you through trials. If you are wanting to progress your career with us then it's simple you will be put on a list of part time military service and will be called out for specific things for example, Bounties, securing traders/trade routes, and training. (Landowners will be subject to the same peasant requirements as merchants).

Presence within the community

If you do join up with our order we have one major rule and that is to never disrespect another kingdom or settlement. The main reason for that is we are better and if they truly wish to test us then let our weapons do the talking. If we do however, pillage and raid a settlement our army will only kill the armed and will leave the rest alone but please do not test us. If we raid bandits then our rule is simple kill them all and leave no survivors. Bandits to us are the lowest of the lowest and will be dealt swiftly and painfully. We will never allow slavers into our lands if there are some then it's simple we will free the innocent and put the slavers into the mines.



Once you are enlisted you will be put through a lot of training and exercises. Why we do this you may ask? Well it's simple once you enlist doesn't mean you're in you will be trialed and if we see you make it then you're in. All our soldiers will be allowed to own land but with a soldier's life means you will be gone for a while so we ask you to have two peasants working for you and they must have food, shelter, and good pay. These training's will be decided by the order and we are looking for serious people we will not accept trolls.


All military equipment and supplies will be provided by the order. The order will gather resources and create all items in house.


Infantry is the backbone of our army and without them it would be difficult to have an army. We expect nonstop training and helping throughout the kingdom we expect the infantry to follow orders and to carry them out swiftly and honorably. Infantry will be given the option of medium to heavy armor and will be outfitted with sword and shield or a polearm. (Possibly throwables if they are in the game).


Archers will follow the same path as our infantry. Archers will also be assigned to scouting parties and hunting expeditions. Archers will be given the option for medium or light armor. A choice of crossbow or longbow along with choice of sword and shield or polearm.


Our cavalry will be consisting of our elite infantrymen known as knights. These knights will have to serve an extremely long term to prove to the order that they are the best and that they have trained for their whole life and with them on the battlefield they can destroy anything. Our cav will be given heavy armor a polearm, a mace and shield, or a two-handed great sword. Also, our knights will be on the battlefield or will deal with any form of trouble within or outside of our borders.


Our corps of engineers will be a core of the best. They will be making the best siege equipment and will serve a crucial role in siege warfare or defending. The engineers will be given workers that will be working under them. for each engineer, they will have at least five workers. Engineers will be outfitted with light armor and will have a sword and shield


We will talk and give more about mages once we know more about them.



Any Guild looking for a place to call home PM Twitchy. We are currently accepting these types of guilds: Carpentry, Fletching, Masonry, Alchemist, Explorer, Farming, Cooking, Glass Blowing. Other guilds are welcome, but they should make a small case as too why they should be allowed to station here.

Guilds that will be starting within our Order and within the town of Königsberg are: Merchant, Military.


Our settlement will be thriving off many things. One of those things is combat you may ask what do you mean? Well it's simple we will be doing bounty hits, and protection runs and many other things.


All armor and weapons will be crafted by members of the Order as well as any guilds allied with them. Outfitting the military will take precedence. Surplus goods will be sold by the merchants of the order.


We will have a group that is dedicated to gathering. All herbs they get will also go into our economy.

Animal Husbandry

All livestock and animals will be breed within the order or any guilds allied with the Order.

All of this can be discussed in further detail if needed or asked upon request, just PM either Destroyer118 or Twitchyyy


PM all apps to Twitchyyy on the website


  1. What is your goals within our settlement?

  2. If you are needed for Militia service would you accept or decline?

  3. If you plan to run a business what kind will it be?

  4. Do you plan to serve as a full-time militiaman to advance your career?

  5. Do you understand that we are a semi-serious group and we are looking for mature people?

  6. We are an extremely active group can or will you be active?

  7. All civilians are considered a part of the order therefore you will answer to our rules and ways do you understand?

  8. What will you be focusing on? PvP or PvE or both

  9. Do you have TeamSpeak yes or no?


  1. How much of your time could you put into our army?

  2. What are your goals for our army?

  3. All soldiers must be active. We will not allow inactive personnel into our ranks. Will you be active?

  4. Do you have aspiration to be a leader?

  5. Will you train and practice as much as you can?

  6. What field within our army will you go into?

  7. This army will focus mainly on PvP with some PvE do you understand?

  8. What do you bring to the army?

  9. Do you have TeamSpeak yes or no?

PM all apps to Twitchyyy on the website

5/5/2017 3:54:33 PM #16

free bump but also a reminder about the PM I sent you :D. You said we'll talk about it over the weekend but you never got in contact or gave a means of me contacting you other than PM on this forum :D

5/7/2017 6:48:31 AM #17

Been super backed up with Finals and such so I couldn't get around to editing this post. Waiting to figure out a settlement name and then I will edit everything so it will be up to date, I.E location, who we will be under, what our main goals are, and how to contact us other than PM on here. Sorry for any inconveniences with anyone looking at this post or anyone wanting to join. Thanks for ready and checking out our Order. :D

5/7/2017 10:14:50 PM #18


5/8/2017 5:38:46 PM #19

This group will be located on the NA east server

5/10/2017 7:21:57 PM #20


5/12/2017 3:54:32 AM #21

Finally got everything updated and posted, feel free to PM me any questions you guys have. Thanks for taking a look.

5/13/2017 9:35:18 PM #22


5/17/2017 8:05:32 PM #23

Definitely a aspirational group! With quite a nice and in-depth summary of themselves and what they stand for.

Right now, I'm just a sloth. Just a motionless sloth. A sinful sloth. Please don't make me work. Can't you see how troublesome it would be to get up everyday and actually be productive? Just leave me be. Let me be a sloth.

6/9/2017 6:10:54 PM #24

thank you shady

2/14/2018 2:54:37 PM #25

I love how in-depth this is. Wish I had a branch of this caliber in my own County! Best of luck to you!

2/27/2018 10:06:58 PM #26

Bump this great post

3/3/2018 10:51:27 AM #27


10/25/2018 8:57:13 AM #28

Great group! And awsome post
