Nicely done! Welcome to the shield wall.. Vive la Bordweall!!
The research and Development hub of our County will be centered in the Unseen University. No expense shall be spared during its construction. The campus is will be allotted a full 4 plots of land on which to build. Once completed, this magical place of learning will be one of the Crown Jewels of the county! When we have the technology to build the 800 foot high tower of art that is. 😀
Why thank you Sazon! I look forward to working with you too. Where in the Royal Duchy of Bloodoak are you going to be located?
As a side note, for those who have not gotten the hint, this County will be heavily influenced by the late great Sir Terry Pratchett...
One of the great parts about our County is that we plan to start implementation of our plans on day one. How will we start on the railway on day on you say? First, some if it will just be initially planning and drawing of maps and surveying, etc. We do realize it will be literal years before we can get steam power. At first, the rails will quite simply be rails that have animal drawn carts. Imagine being able to auto walk your cart, go afk and come back to find yourself at your destination. How much could you transport and how fast could you do it that way? That is our phase one rail system in a nut shell. We will definitely need your help to do it, feel free to come visit us and ask for more info.
Feeney Upshot reporting for duty, I have an organisation set to protect persons of OPC and active, we are in no part responsible to any future accidents of the railway, we, er, just happen to be around to help the citizens travel back and forth, with pay of course.
By the way, you haven't seen Jefferson have you?
I'll also be writing books on poo by Felicity Beedle