
Deep within the heart of Vornair in the Duchy of Aechena is the unforgiving land named simply DIAR. Snarled trees clump together in all directions in this wetland county and it would seem dreadful to live there. The Diar people however have adapted to this biome and with the blood of House Drednir at the lead they have true claim to a land filled with difficult to harvest resources found almost solely in this county. House Drednir rose to fame and wealth building a transportation empire. Voranor, the county seat of Diar county, is primarily a series of large manufacturing facilities that produce the duchy’s finest caravans and carriages. Some Diar citizens, on drunken hushed breaths, tell tales of the count himself having commissioned the building and selling of mechanisms of warfare from one of these factories.

Way of Life

There is a reason you will find so much gold in the sculptures and banners throughout the county. The Diar people are fanatic in their pursuit of wealth. Most of them find success through crafting, banking or performance arts. They are a stubborn people and solid negotiators, but easily swayed by gold. The shiny aureate nugget filled bag or a newly minted gold coin will win the heart of any Diar citizen. Many Diar denizens are Helgrim Enterprise members and as such have access to worthy clientele and choice market places to sell their services and wares. There is no doubt a strong connection to Helgrim within the county for its banners line the streets and point travelers to premium goods.

Their only other singular love aside from prosperity, is their loyalty for duchy. It is through the grace of House Hart that they owe their affluence, and they will unite as one only under this banner. The Diar citizens do not maintain a standing army, relying more on the diplomacy of its Nobility and the treacherous terrain they have laden with traps to shield them from outside threats. They do not fear war, but avoid it. It is their belief that the pursuit of arms is a distraction from amassing wealth.

Those that don’t build, or bargain spend their days tirelessly searching out more efficient methods to harvest or to mine. Then manipulate this bounty into usable and sustainable resources for transport to all points that Helgrim has claim to sell in the kingdom. This is important to them; to maintain superiority in the realm, all people in a kingdom must be well fed, well outfitted, and well educated, a mantra within Diar county.

With no love for conflict, the Diar citizen finds ample time to enjoy the finer things in life. They pursue the arts and the gift of gab. In fact, the marriage of the two is a treasure of theirs. To hone the art of the deal is like a well-versed theatre act. One that utilizes several characters and makes use of a twisting plot to take its audience on ride meant to leverage the coin purse of the unsuspecting into the hands of the county resident.

No kingdom is without times of need, where its leaders will call to its people and ask for those whom can defend its borders. A pledge from House Diar is one of certainty and unbreakable. There are a few of Diar’s own that will happily throw themselves into the fray as protectors of Vornair. Their skills giving them rise to the rank of Paragon, an achievement commanding the respect of the entire kingdom.


We all know the tale of Duchess Rheika Hart’s rise within Helgrim Enterprises. A glorious career where she outsmarted the competition and outwitted her rivals to become the formidable CEO we know and love. Similar to House Hart’s rise through wealth, so too did the House of Drednir.

Ezaeltz Drednir was the first of his name to make a fortune; doing so in the transportation industry. No one amongst his peers understood his drive or where it came from. His parents were normal business people and worked various clerical jobs, they were by no means handy with a oxen harness and certainly couldn’t change a wagon wheel if their lives depended on it. Ezaeltz was naturally curious of the inner workings of things and he knew that if he could combine the best of many different trades into one creation people would buy it. In fact, it was his vision to create something so ornate that even one day the king would want one. Of all things, it was this simple notion of creating modes of transport that drove him.

Through calculated purchases he was able to gather several parcels of land containing unused and dilapidated structures. It was in these facilities that his empire began. He tirelessly tinkered on improvements to the village’s discarded and worn-out carts. They were prototypes that he would later showcase to the newly formed Helgrim Bazaar. A once in a lifetime event that put on display the finest merchandise available to the kingdom.

Ezaeltz nearly missed his opportunity as his funds were exhausted, and he could not afford the hefty sum that would rent a space large enough to place his creation on. A chance encounter with Lady Saugina Haverdack and the local pub changed all that. It had rather long day for Ezaeltz and so unlike most days where he would fix himself a simple porridge at home, he chose to dine at the village pub. Saugina was by far the most pleasing thing to look at in the room and fortuitous as is was she had an open spot next to her to sit.

It was as if their souls were born to be together and their kismet grew to love quickly. Several weeks later, when Ezaeltz explained his financial predicament to her, she laughed politely and filled him in on her own fiscal situation. The Haverdacks were owners of a local mine, and as such did well for themselves. Her family loaned Ezaeltz the missing funds and later that week he hand pulled his newly created carriage to the last exposition slot available at the Bazaar, a feat taking him several hours to do.

That day marked the last time Ezaeltz would ever need a handout, as the soft leather lined walls and ornate seat coverings grew the eye of many foreign Nobles. The orders stacked up, and coins were offered in advance to secure these lavish modes of transportation. For the next few years Drednir industries remained steady in its growth and quickly outgrew the confines of the run-down warehouses he had initially bought. Soon his factories became a central point to his village and even that was too small. He branched into many forms of mechanization and his factories grew even larger as a result. The employment opportunities soon drew from neighboring counties and it was obvious that the small unknown villa was no longer little, but a thriving community.

As Ezaeltz grew older and his family grew larger, so too did his lust for grander things. His humble upbringing was beginning to confine his ability to change the meager existence of his lands. His wife was of notable family descent, but he was not, and this prevented him from governing anything of importance. If he could lay official claim to the lands surrounding his wife’s family mine, then he could make a true difference in the duchy.

Fortune did not favor the mighty tycoon in this endeavor as he fell ill one moon never to wake again. His inheritance went to his eldest son Ezaeltz Drednir II paid little attention to his father business, instead chasing the local wenches. It was a shock when the spoiled young man was called before the duchy of Aechena and named the first Count of the newly formed Diar County.

This tale would be nice if it could speak of how the anointment gave Ezaeltz the wherewithal to deserve such responsibility, yet it did just the opposite. The power of this position was spent on frivolous endeavors that generated very little money for the county. He began the construction of theatres and arenas with boasts that they would the finest in the land, but because he was easy to distract the structures were never completed. Similarly, he spent many nights in the brothels spending his inheritance on wine and women. Some will say he fathered many, but it was only one he laid claim to, a boy named Aeritz named after his great grandfather, Aeritz Haverdack. Sauguina, still alive, had insisted it. She also took on the burden of raising the child, as her eldest son was far too busy to handle the daily upbringing of a toddler.

So began the tutoring of Aeritz the future count of Diar County. Shaugina would spend every waking hour teaching the boy the ways of business, governing, and the ways a noble should act. She sheltered him from his father’s hedonistic lifestyle, letting him instead favor his aunts and uncles who had managed to keep her husband’s business profitable. It is said, on drunken hushed voices of the factory workers, that the Drednirs kept their business alive by shifting their attention to a more lucrative industry. A business funded by war tyrants.

General Info, Government and Beliefs

The Diar people believe themselves descendant of an ancient guardian soul. They are a stoic tribe only found in Diar County. They believe in structured governance based on a faith, solid home life and play balance, and fear only to the wrath of their deities, namely the souls of the deep abyss below Voranor. Their values extend to the four divisions of ethics: sustenance, security, finance, and science. With each of these ethics, a high commander leads a group of faith bound in the name their Duchess, Rheika Hart.

Aureate Scouts

Aureate Scouts spend the days hunting and timbering, skilled in the arts of axe wielding like none other. Blending easily into the knotted trees-scape these dangerous stalkers find it easy to take down even mightiest of the Diar’s creatures. _

Crimson Core

The Crimson Core Members, deep in the heart of Diar, spend their time mostly forging and tinkering. Their labors are the pride of the Voranor and feed the materials necessary to build various technically advanced machinations of science. When Thane Ezaeltz Drednir II arrived in Diar he brought with him the plans for many wicked inventions. Many of the designs are beyond understanding when first he presented them, but now two generations later the people are nearing complete enlightenment to a new warfare called siege.

Jaded Brigands

A highly sought after role in the county is that of Jaded Brigand, whose craftsmanship is valued from afar. They open their shops and sell their wares to fill the Voranor coffers. They value the intricate details in their work adding filigree and etchings where no purposeful need for it exist other than to show pride in their work. They are tough negotiators and find it easiest to do business over a pint of stout brew.

Ebon Paragons

The Diar people see very little value leaving the clutches of their homelands and avoid conflict whenever possible. Diar is harsh for most, deadly to many, but for them it is all they know. As such, they do not tend to mingle with other tribes, except the Neren from occasion due to their common language and ease of selling goods. The Diar county people, bound by fealty to House Hart have outfitted and trained a few of their prominent scouts to serve alongside the duchy forces in times of need. However, the duchess is not always in the need of such warriors, and in times of peace, the Ebon Paragons provide local support to defend their homes and secure that which is rightfully theirs, the natural resources locked deep in the heart of Diar.

Order and Culture:


Faith rings throughout Diar county, a calling upon them by their deity to protect the dragon souls sleeping deep within the heart of their lands, a place called Voranor (The dragon's den.) From first inspection, this boisterous tribe appears greedy. Many would develop a misconception that they believe the wealth of the land is meant for them and them alone, however their deep bond to Vornair would tell a different story. They hoard their treasures, feeding their various vices such as drinking dark porters and feasting, only to ensure that these bounties are available when called upon.

Rituals of the Voranor:

Upon the completion of each forty year period, gathering deep in Voranor, the Diar tribes will celebrate Dreki Hamarr. Translated to the rite of the dragon hammer. This anointment process elevates the finest Scouts and Brigands to Core and Paragon respectively. Selected individuals can forego their life outside the confines of the Voranor and cede their axe.

Accepting this anointment is to accept a life in the sanctuary of the deep where the pursuit of knowledge trumps the pursuit of adventure. It is the acceptance of a life guarding the ancient dragon soul named Trenydol of Voranor and the willingness to represent Diar in the defense of the Kingdom of Vornair. It is the accepting the dragon into their own soul as represented by the presentation of the Paragon and Core Warhammers.

Once per Generation, upon the coronation of a new thane the celebration of Muna Doegr occurs. On this day of remembrance, they tell the tale of Thane Ezaeltz Drednir II and his encounter with Trenydol. It is a epic story when his blood was shed to join with hers, their souls ever intertwined for all of Voranor history. The people welcome their new thane and spend the day in joyous festivities hosted by House Drednir.



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5/28/2017 8:39:04 PM #1

Fantastic post, Lord Drednir! I am impressed with the amount of work you've put into this, and I'm excited to see how your county develops!

6/2/2017 3:05:22 AM #2

Added the small amount On what we know about the tribes. I'll continue to adjust as needed as more info is released.

9/18/2017 7:15:13 AM #3

Absolutely love the amount of work you've put into your lore.

9/18/2017 8:20:18 AM #4

My goodness, probably the best and in-depth post I've seen yet, Love the dwarves by the way! Er Hrothi, same thing amIrite?

10/12/2017 5:31:39 PM #5

Thanks Zombiesniper, it is certainly a work in progress...