Here is a map size comparison

Caspian stated the map will be 128km by 256km which is 32768 km squared. To be able to understand that size, here is a great Youtube video.

8/4/2017 1:52:26 PM #1

Sorry I meant to post this in the general thread. Any chance to move it there ?

8/4/2017 2:32:31 PM #2

Thank you for the video. There are a lot of factors that contribute to how a game world is perceived by the players. So one has to keep that in mind when comparing map sizes.

For instance a duchy will be larger than the map size of WoW, but it's not directley comparable. The up-to-date figure for the size of the starting continent map for CoE is 216km x 128km.

For more interesting facts about world size and getting a feel for it's dimensions, check out the Visualizing dimensions of the world thread.

8/10/2017 1:14:21 AM #3

Sorry, I stand corrected the new map size is 128x216 and not 128x256.