Tribe Exploration: Janoa Male

Greetings friends,

Hopefully you saw the Dras Male exploration Caspian posted a little bit ago. I've got another one to share now, hot off the presses! There are ranges of values for all the major traits, but this is what we consider to be an exemplary specimen of a male Janoa.

Janoa Male WIP Janoa Male WIP


Hey folks. I appreciate the feedback. Here's a comparison of their stripes at 100%, 150%, and 200%.




Which do you prefer?



11/15/2017 11:36:08 PM #1


11/15/2017 11:36:18 PM #2

The Dras was more my type, but this is looking great!!!

(I am really blown away. You all are amazing!)

Sha'harizi County - Capital City of Ah'wena - Countess Aria - Kitlandria!

11/15/2017 11:36:31 PM #3

Never skip leg day.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the stripes, part of me wishes they were even more obvious. But the model itself looks really good. GJ.

11/15/2017 11:36:54 PM #4

Very cool, thanks

11/15/2017 11:36:57 PM #5

I always forget how long arms actually are

Sir Luke Balfamot, Mayor of Wolfsgrasp home to House Balfamot.

[EU] (Backer #7,176) (Friend Code 9093C8)

11/15/2017 11:37:15 PM #6

They look seriously cool that's for sure!

11/15/2017 11:38:33 PM #7

Nice nappy.

11/15/2017 11:38:39 PM #8

Unlike the Dras these guys definitely lift

Baron Pathora Leinhart of Erebus
Pevensie County

11/15/2017 11:39:57 PM #9

Ah, these are awesome! :D

11/15/2017 11:40:13 PM #10

Wow, check out those traps... I can safely say I'd hate to get a spear thrown at me by one of these guys. Or anything thrown at me, for that matter.

Seriously cool sneak peek, I think this one looks even better than the Dras!

11/15/2017 11:40:58 PM #11

So cool to see this. Thanks for the sharing! It looks really fantastic. I can just imagine seeing an armed group of guys like this loping along, the predator vibe dripping off of them. Going to look fantastic in-game.

Females when? :D

11/15/2017 11:41:16 PM #12

I love it, more more wait, land selection than more more please

11/15/2017 11:41:25 PM #13

They look great, Keep up the great work

11/15/2017 11:41:38 PM #14

The level of detail involved with the models posted are amazing.

11/15/2017 11:42:19 PM #15

blech those forearms are still gross
