Please consider this post an archive.
The Grand Debates will continue on in...
...our re branded to better serve the faithful of Elyria Church. You can find our new official post here: Grand Church of the Virtori Faithful
The Grand Debates of the Virtori Church of Thearyn.
"The three pursuits of Virtue have a historical point of lore in the Church. Within them are the commonality: Search for Virtue And a differing Morality point: How they feel they exact or obtain virtue. This allows personal variation in a religion that feels like an organized and time worn theology and institution."
The Grand Debates, and debates of theology.
Of the Grand Debates and debating scripture.
The Grand Debates are open to the faithful, and may be attended to the public at large. Any Grand Debate will be prefaced by a handful of internal debates among the Council of the Faithful.
"Let it be the Faithful in theirs homes and their places of worship, who choose of those they love and love the words of Virtori itself to embrace to search for virtue" - From The Mad King Falls, Virtue Rises. * - Unknown Author*
For the moment i'll skip details of positions in the church to stay on the topic of debates. More on that another time.
Why seperate debates?
This will give room for those whom wish to bring forth new revelations on Virtori lore, scripture, or discoveries by the people of the world to be practiced and refined into a strong and salient point for possible codification into the scripture of the Church.
"What more blessed endeavor could there be to the Faithful than the search for truth in both Virtue and Virtori" *- Unnamed Song Priest - *
Having the scripture of the Church change too often would be both confusing to anyone trying to keep track of where the Church may stand morally, and to new players who may want to read though the Church's history.
Not too mention the possible workload on any officials, and the cluttering of any codes or scripture into an unreadable mess. Most importantly we'd like to give ample time to any of those debating or putting forward any changes or challenges, and ample time for all others involved to hear and ponder what they put forward.
Of the Debates
During regular Church meetings involving the Council of the Faithful, after all immediate business about the Actions of the church, the needs of settlements of the allocation of charity debates for scripture will take place.
Any of the Council will be invited to bring forth their initial proposal of changes or additions they view as of great importance to the Morality of the Church.
Questions on the relevancy to church, source of information and request for details on arguments will be sourced for the speaker to answer. If there is a counter argument that presented, friendly debate should occur.
After the debates and end of the official meeting, we begin the After party of Virtue, complete with apple juice, for open discussion an conversation of all things Elyria.
"Joy is to know good people of good acts, who act with honor and love within their hearts as only a heart without vice can"
This will happen until a Grand Debate is announced!
Of the Grand Debates
Once the more casual debates have come and gone, arguments for changes in scripture has been sharpened and honed, The Grand Debate takes place.
This is part Church operation, and public show and festival. By opening up the inner church working to the view of the public and participation of all the Faithful it shows how the Church operates and keeps with the faith.
The Grand Debates, being far more ceremonial than internal meetings it will often be arranged along side a festival in the hosting settlement.
Both an operation of the Church itself, a celebration and invitation to all to enjoy happiness and peace provided by the establishment of virtue that is the Virtori Church of Thearyn and what it stands for.
Time restraints will be placed more strictly on the debaters, as they have had multiple debates to hone their delivery. Along with elements of showmanship for the crowds that gather will be encouraged.
The Faithful, no matter the level of participation will be welcomed to ask questions of the presenters or counter debaters just as the council had in the internal debates.
After debate and the rounds of questions and counterpoints have been made, Voting will occur to bring whatever amount of changes presented to one or two.
And the Vote shall be made to send the changes to the head of the church for codification into scripture, or to be tabled until the next Grand Debate.
The reasoning of whittling the available options down is to keep as mentioned before, the amount of changes to a minimum. Giving, once again, the feeling of an established, time worn institution. And to really challenge those who bring forth changes to bring their best.
After the debate is over, and closing ceremony is finished, the members of the church should join the festivities, partake of the joy and spread it, and listen to those who have come to attend.
I very much look forward to any questions you may have of the Church, Thearyn or any topic COE related, and as always thank you for your support!
Virtori Church of Thearyn and Saint Rothgard Solstice Discord
Free kingdom of Alesia, Duchy of Duke Maulvorn
-Flawliss, Priest Magistrate of The Virtori Church of Thearyn and Mayor of Saint Rothgard's Solstice.