Thank you for another fundraising milestone!

In June of 2016, Soulbound Studios crossed an amazing milestone - not only a successful Kickstarter, one of the most funded video game projects of all time. Today, we've made it to another milestone: over $4 million donated in crowdfunding pledges!

Without the support of our awesome community, we literally wouldn't be here. The community is helping us achieve our vision of Chronicles of Elyria by keeping us independent through crowdfunding. It's an indescribable experience, and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support.

To celebrate, we're going to broadcast a livestream next Wednesday, March 21, at 12 PM PDT / 3 PM EDT / 7 PM UTC where we show off character creation! We want the community to help us test out and play with our latest iteration of our character creation system, so we'll be fielding suggestions from the chat. Let your imagination run wild with us in chat next week!

We love our community, and luckily for us, our community loves us back! Some community members have even sent us gifts - they know who they are...but I wager not many of you know who they are. So on top of playing with the character creator, we're going to be dedicating a segment to the community members who've sent us all the things! (also this is me crossing my fingers hoping we don't miss anyone. :sweat_smile:)

So follow our Twitch channel and tune in next Wednesday to see what the team has been working on!

Until next time. . .

3/21/2018 7:43:31 AM #31

Makes joke about Hrothi female not having a beard

Awesome work SBS, can't wait to see the stream.

3/21/2018 8:08:43 AM #32

Can't wait for Q&A and well done on 4 million.

3/21/2018 2:20:11 PM #33

Thanks for the screen capture, Serpentius.

Can you guys please address the timeframe concern for the stream?

3/21/2018 3:12:47 PM #34

The Kypiq are freaky!

If I'm traveling through their forest, I'll be terrified of encountering the little weirdos. Going to make certain that none of my trade routes dip into their territory, less I face their squirrely wrath!

Melfice Czermoon, Mayor of Czermoon Friend Code: 111FC9

3/21/2018 4:28:39 PM #35

Posted By HolyAvengerOne at 07:20 AM - Wed Mar 21 2018

Thanks for the screen capture, Serpentius.

Can you guys please address the timeframe concern for the stream?

Most welcome.

We can't accommodate everyone and every timezone, and we looked at lots of times that we'd be able to do it, and this was the time we selected for many reasons.

Hopefully, we'll have a great live stream with many participants, and others can still enjoy the recordings later.

We do appreciate the feedback!

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

3/21/2018 4:35:35 PM #36



3/21/2018 4:42:46 PM #37

Posted By Serpentius at 12:28 PM - Wed Mar 21 2018

Posted By HolyAvengerOne at 07:20 AM - Wed Mar 21 2018

Thanks for the screen capture, Serpentius.

Can you guys please address the timeframe concern for the stream?

Most welcome.

We can't accommodate everyone and every timezone, and we looked at lots of times that we'd be able to do it, and this was the time we selected for many reasons.

Hopefully, we'll have a great live stream with many participants, and others can still enjoy the recordings later.

We do appreciate the feedback!

What kind of reasons? From my POV, this looks literally like the worse timeframe. Working hours for NA-E and NA-W, sleepy time for APAC. There's litterally just part of EU that would be in primetime.

3/21/2018 4:45:57 PM #38

We decided on this time and it isn't going to change at this point.

Your feedback is noted.

Also, we have said all we are going to about the timing of the live stream for now.

Warmest regards <3

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

3/21/2018 4:58:00 PM #39

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

3/21/2018 7:08:26 PM #40

Posted By Serpentius at 3/21/2018 4:45:57 PM

We decided on this time and it isn't going to change at this point.

Your feedback is noted.

Also, we have said all we are going to about the timing of the live stream for now.

Warmest regards <3

Just for the record, I love this timeslot. Yes I live in Europe, but I have had to miss almost every Q&A so far, so really excited I can finally watch one!


3/22/2018 6:48:50 AM #41

Actually managed to catch the livestream this time :) EU here. Curious how many US folk watched the stream in their lunch breaks too :)

3/22/2018 1:37:56 PM #42

The character models and the character creation process itself felt already pretty awesome for a pre-alpha WIP release. It was also very nice to see some models from the tribes not playable, but existing at launch! Thanks for the stream. :-)

...on a side note: Maybe you guys at SBS should celebrate the 4 Mio. $ funding also by adapting the landing page of the website to state "$4,000,000+ Crowdfunding" instead of the "$3,900,000+ Crowdfunding" at the moment. ;)


3/22/2018 1:46:40 PM #43

Posted By Oracle at 02:48 AM - Thu Mar 22 2018

Actually managed to catch the livestream this time :) EU here. Curious how many US folk watched the stream in their lunch breaks too :)

I had a half day at work yesterday and was able to catch "most" of the stream between taking care of the toddler and infant. Was awesome to watch and see the range of the tribes!

  • "The only thing certain in Life is Death, do not fear that which is known." - Orashna, Master Warrior and Expert Herbalist
3/22/2018 3:35:44 PM #44

I was really impressed with the character creation and the style of the tribes.

I already liked the Dras from their tribe description, but I thought that they looked way to ghoulish, but the stream showed that Dras can really look good.

But the tribe I loved most was the Waerd, which I never expected. And I can't wait for more tribe-themed hairstyles!

3/23/2018 4:34:07 PM #45

Here is an idea for a simpler GUI for character creation. Would this be useful?

  • 1: The client chooses random face as a starting point.
  • 2: The client proposes 9 faces that are all similar to chosen face.
  • 3: Let the user select one of the 9 proposed faces.
  • 4: Go to 2.

If the user has chosen a face with a longer nose, then the client could perhaps try to guess what the user wants to do and try to propose at least one face with an even longer face next time.