Tribe Exploration: Kypiq Female

Greetings friends,

After sharing the male Kypiq a couple weeks ago, many were excited to see the female. Though many of you enjoyed extracting every tiny detail from the Blacksmithing targets shared last week, I can't, in good faith, deny you of seeing our lady of the forest.

This is an average Kypiq. If you choose to be incarnated as a Kypiq, the character creation system will allow for a range of customization to tweak their appearance to your liking - within reason. This is merely a starting point so you all can get a feel for the tribe in 3D.



3/17/2018 1:19:33 AM #1

Looks great :D

3/17/2018 1:20:08 AM #2


3/17/2018 1:23:14 AM #3

They're adorable little people, and I hope their treetop kingdom remains peaceful and enjoyable for as long as possible.

3/17/2018 1:23:40 AM #4

thank you it looks nice

3/17/2018 1:26:40 AM #5

looks at female kypiq...
looks at Vye's avatar...
looks back at female kypiq...

thinks too self...... ...nah it can't be... could it?

3/17/2018 1:27:02 AM #6

She looks absolutely adorable! Love the freckles too.

3/17/2018 1:27:34 AM #7

One more reason to be excited for character creation stream.

3/17/2018 1:36:03 AM #8



3/17/2018 1:41:59 AM #9

This model has interesting knees. How do they work? Do they have an extra range of movement or something? Definitely have an extra joint!

3/17/2018 1:53:15 AM #10

Posted By summourn at 6:41 PM - Fri Mar 16 2018

This model has interesting knees. How do they work? Do they have an extra range of movement or something? Definitely have an extra joint!

Well, from their write-up, they are the most agile :D

"There is one exception to this: no other tribe can hold a candle to the agility demonstrated by the Kypiq, which has been honed over years of climbing and leaping among the trees to survive."

3/17/2018 2:01:04 AM #11

Anime Eyes. (I like) That is all.

3/17/2018 2:04:36 AM #12


3/17/2018 2:10:31 AM #13

I'm very impressed by the quality and level of detail in these models.

Drake County

3/17/2018 2:27:02 AM #14

Do kypiq look like this as children?

3/17/2018 2:27:14 AM #15

They are looking good