Strixian Tradesman Coalition

Strixian Tradesmen Coalition

Kingdom: Vornair: Kingdom of Vornair

Duchy: The High Seas

County: Strix Umbra

Lead by

Aedan Smitr


The Strixian Tradesman Coalition will be the organized and combined efforts of numerous specialized guilds for the following purposes:

  1. Ensuring that item quality is on par with the county's needs.
  2. Regulation of prices to maintain a reasonable and fair marketplace.
  3. Ensuring integrity of merchants regarding expenses and standards.
  4. Obtain knowledge to improve crafting techniques.
  5. Produce items needed for efficient research.
  6. Handle the logistics of settlement supply and demand.


Each guild leader will have above them a corresponding faction leader who will in turn report directly to the Black Hand on expenditure, production, resource acquisitions, and any issues that hinder their effectiveness.

Crafting Factions

Alchemy Faction

Construction Faction

Armament Faction

Tailoring Faction

Culinary Faction

General Goods Faction


Are you are seeking to make a name for yourself in any of the above professions? And do you want to be a part of an organized network of like-minded people? Join the County of Strix Umbra discord and ask to speak with Aedan Smitr or contact him through DM DarkthMasa.