Architecture : round ?

Will it be possible to use round structures in architecture ?

Orthogonal is easy to develop. What about round shapes, like tours, arches, spirals, ellipsoidal, hélicoïdal, etc...

The round structures are by far the most beautiful part of architecture. That would bring so much marvelous possibilities in the world...

Eolwyn Lunicorne

10/8/2018 11:29:08 PM #1

according some of the early concept, yes.

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10/9/2018 12:22:02 AM #2

DJ 14

Some of this info is a little dated, info on releasing a 100% stand-alone architectural client for testing for example, but the meat of it shouldn't have changed much.

Article teases at buildings with 10 walls, multi story buildings, etc. All dependent on Architects ability, so hire a good one early game! Short of it, yes there should be, if not circular, circular enough structures.

10/9/2018 1:04:31 AM #3

Architecture is expected to vary from tribe to tribe but there should be. It would be hard to imagine not supporting it for at least the classically Medieval architecture that the Neran draw from or even the Roman-inspired architecture of the Hrothi.

10/9/2018 10:47:20 AM #4

There are some screenshots in this link. The houses are Kypiq who appear to use round house designs with round windows and maybe doorways.