[EU] Mélodine, city of Love & Adventures

Mélodine, city of Love and Adventures

  • Server : EU Selene
  • Kingdom : Tryggr
  • Duchy : Kvasir
  • County : Upper Shipbight (Gorges de Valcoeur)
  • Inhabitants : All tribes (mostly Neran, To’resk, Kypiq)
  • Religion : Elyria (All), Love is all you need !
  • System of governance : Corporatism-Federalist

City life

The radiant city of Melodine is located in Lunicorne County, on the outer reaches of the Nirath Kingdom on the edge of the Lunicorne Forest.

Colorful and embalmed by the flowers and trees of its gardens, Melodine is a city where life is pleasant all year long.


Its houses intertwine with its flowers and trees to the point that it is sometimes difficult to know where the city begins and where the gardens end.

In winter, its taverns and its theater are crowded with visitors who come to listen to the musical performances of its bards, while during the other seasons, the city buzzes with hunting, harvesting, crafts, exploratory expeditions, and Quests for the most adventurous adventurers.


During the spring solstice, Mélodine sees many visitors converging to celebrate life and love in honor of our mother of all : Elyria. The ceremony takes place in Mélodine’s breathtaking Temple of Love that attracts many lovers who come to bind themself under its blessing.

The Lunicorne forest is considered sacred by the Méloden and the Mélodies. Timber cutting, hunting and gathering are regulated to preserve the legacy of Licorne.

Lunicorne Forest

The Legende of Lunicorne tells how the city of Melodine was founded by the bard Eolwyn and the "Mistress of the forest" Licorne.


The people of Mélodine are fraternal. The city lives its activities in community symbiosis. Its inhabitants share skills and knowledge in community workshops.

Each main craft and city main activity is represented by a voice at the city council to take the best decisions for the city.

Mélodine’s Council

Mélodine is happy to welcome any craftsman and help him to make his business flourish.

Special attention is given to the exploration, bardic, music, herbalism, alchemy, deviant subterfuge, and archery skills to provide maximum chances of success to adventurers.


Melodine is renowned for its adventurous expeditions. In fall and summer, they are the lifeblood of the city, and she provides help in assembling teams and planning expeditions.

The city is also famous for its master bards, cartographers and alchemists community.

Alchimist on the edge

Mélodine's adventurer groups welcome any specialist, and especially looks for :

  • Healers (herborists, surgerons, alchimists, …)
  • Fighters (armored)
  • Rangers
  • Shadow weavers (poison, locks & traps)



If you are interested in joining the City of Mélodine or the county of Lunicorne, need a lift to get there, or have any questions, feel free to get in touch!

County of Lunicorne Discord

Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:06:21 PM #1

Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:06:27 PM #2


Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:06:44 PM #3


Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:06:52 PM #4


Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:07:02 PM #5


Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:07:09 PM #6


Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/1/2019 6:07:19 PM #7


Eolwyn Lunicorne

1/2/2019 2:07:55 AM #8

1/4/2019 8:53:09 PM #9

Those shiny glasses !

Where did you get this magic item ? ;-)

Eolwyn Lunicorne