Map Voting Has Begun!

Hail Elyrians!

Map Voting Is Now Live!!!

The process of Map Voting is detailed in the announcement post, which includes a detailed FAQ. Additional FAQs will be added there, if needed, so check there before seeking help.


The server-specific general forums are the best place to have discussions as it pertains to your desired server. Posts to campaign or discuss specific maps for a server will be moved out of the General Discussion forum, but discussions about the voting process are okay there.

A temporary #map-voting channel has been opened in our official Discord. Make sure you check the pins for additional rules that apply to that channel.

With that in mind, remember that there are 10 days or until Friday, November 2nd at 12pm PST, to vote!

Head over to the Map Voting page and join the unfolding story of Elyria!

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

10/23/2018 8:45:36 PM #1

Good luck all. I wish everyone the best and hope you get the desired tribe/biomes etc 😁

10/23/2018 10:47:22 PM #2

Yeah! Go maps!

May the best map win!

10/24/2018 7:15:26 AM #3

Am very excited about map voting, even without the duchy lines in round one. One thing I do think would be helpful...

Would it be possible to get a variable on the Y-axis? As of Wed morning we can see that both H and L are really taking off, but are those horizontal lines they pass 100 / 200 / 300 or 1000 / 2000 / 3000 (etc)? It's hard to know how popular a map is without a quantifier, unless of course that was your intent?

10/24/2018 8:18:11 AM #4

Posted By Devilkyn at 09:15 AM - Wed Oct 24 2018

Am very excited about map voting, even without the duchy lines in round one. One thing I do think would be helpful...

Would it be possible to get a variable on the Y-axis? As of Wed morning we can see that both H and L are really taking off, but are those horizontal lines they pass 100 / 200 / 300 or 1000 / 2000 / 3000 (etc)? It's hard to know how popular a map is without a quantifier, unless of course that was your intent?

You may wish to consult the arguments shared in this thread to get an answer to your question:

"SBS! Map Voting Results Mean Nothing!"

10/24/2018 12:27:25 PM #5

There are 17 biomes in the legend and only 16 regions appear in all the maps, was this an intended thing? In all the maps the removed biome is the Bog (Dras), except for Map K and L where there is no Salt Marsh (Dras)

10/24/2018 4:00:08 PM #6

Hail, Elyrians! After a full day of voting I have a status update for you. With the votes the way they currently stand, here are the set of 5 maps for each server. Note, it's still early, and only about 10% of the votes are in, but here's your trend-line.

Angelica (NA-W)

  1. L
  2. N
  3. O
  4. R
  5. J

Luna (NA-E)

  1. H
  2. T
  3. S
  4. F
  5. E

Selene (EU)

  1. B
  2. I
  3. G
  4. M
  5. K

Remember, if the option you want isn't showing for your server currently, get out there and vote!

10/25/2018 3:11:06 PM #7

Just a little over 8 days left to vote and here's where the servers stand!

Angelica (NA-W)

  1. I
  2. L
  3. R
  4. S
  5. D

Luna (NA-E)

  1. N
  2. H
  3. A
  4. T
  5. F

Selene (EU)

  1. B
  2. M
  3. G
  4. J
  5. K

10/25/2018 5:56:32 PM #8

I have a question, does each biome have 6 duchies contained within it?


10/25/2018 7:05:51 PM #9

I thought, it was 8 dukes per kingdom... with 2-4 biomes per kingdom, to me that sounds like 2-4 duchies per biome, not 6.

Friend Code: 30EF47

10/25/2018 11:28:27 PM #10

Question: Say, I was a King 1 of a Kingdom with biome A and B and another King 2 of biome C and D. We both agree to create two new kingdoms with biomes A and C and the other with biomes B and C. Would it be possible to make that decision, if just all dukes below King 1 settle in biome A and C instead of A+B, just like King 2s dukes settle in biomes B and D instead of C+D (the same for lower nobility) and on first sedecim, we just decide to exchange those biomes and create new borderlines? Sedecim is where borders get changed, right? Can it be as drastical as that?

Friend Code: 30EF47

10/26/2018 12:00:13 AM #11

Posted By Gromschlog at 4:28 PM - Thu Oct 25 2018

Question: Say, I was a King 1 of a Kingdom with biome A and B and another King 2 of biome C and D. We both agree to create two new kingdoms with biomes A and C and the other with biomes B and C. Would it be possible to make that decision, if just all dukes below King 1 settle in biome A and C instead of A+B, just like King 2s dukes settle in biomes B and D instead of C+D (the same for lower nobility) and on first sedecim, we just decide to exchange those biomes and create new borderlines? Sedecim is where borders get changed, right? Can it be as drastical as that?

This is definitely not something that could be done pre-launch.

Post launch, Especially at a Sedecim, I do not see why it wouldn't be feasible to trade half of Kingdom 1 for half of Kingdom 2. That would be ridiculously difficult to do though and if you could broker that then I would like to go into business with you good sir/ma'am.

The Dukes settling into each other's kingdoms is where the real issue is. They would have to trust each other to end up going through with the trade when we reach our first in game Sedecim, and I don't see the Dukes or Kings going along with that idea on simple good faith.

10/26/2018 2:09:29 PM #12

In the bio and bit of lore provided for the Brudvir, wouldn't the Alpine Forest biome fall under them rather than the Hrothi? The mountains makes sense since Hrothi architecture is mostly stone and carved-out mountain, but Brudvir use ample amounts of lumber for their buildings.

Unless I missed the description of the Taiga biome, I'm a little confused by this.

10/26/2018 3:22:06 PM #13

Just a little over 7 days left to vote and here's where the servers stand!

Note that about 33% of all influence has been applied at this point, and about 25% of total community members capable of voting.

Angelica (NA-W)

  1. I
  2. L
  3. R
  4. S
  5. K

Luna (NA-E)

  1. N
  2. H
  3. A
  4. T
  5. F

Selene (EU)

  1. C
  2. B
  3. G
  4. M
  5. J

10/26/2018 10:16:48 PM #14

Nice 3 of the 5 for na-w look great so far

When I am lost, I know I have traveled the farthest. Sayeth the guy jeff. 49F48A =FC

10/27/2018 5:49:59 AM #15

So I see a lot of people voting for maps that have a single area joining the Northern and the Southern lands. I'm curious as to why players would vote for this. If one sect or guild or kingdom gets control of this sector they could restrict passage of goods from North to South or vice versa, they could levy heavy taxes to get through.. I view this is a critical error on the part of voters.

Just my 2 cents.

In the darkness, you will find loneliness and fear,

but even worse, you will find me.

Divide et Impera