Colorado players?

Just seeing if there are any Colorado players here.

5/13/2019 8:24:22 AM #31

Albuquerque NM, Not really Colorado, but close enough to make a weekend trip.

5/24/2019 11:32:08 PM #32

Just north of Denver here.

Tentative plans: To'resk, looking to settle in the Kingdom of Riftwood, NA - W Angelica.

5/25/2019 12:35:03 AM #33

Longmont, north of Denver.

5/28/2019 2:03:42 AM #34

I'm in Parker!

Baron of lands unknown... yet

9/2/2019 4:07:10 AM #35

I am in Greeley. I am on the NA W server. I have the founder package and plan to adventure out of the town as a peddler or have a caravan for trading purposes. Or that is my current ideas.

EDIT: Upgraded to Bloodlines, have a trading kit and am in Duchy of Thorne on the NA West server. Kingdom is Tyria.


9/18/2019 5:12:42 AM #36

in Aurora, set to NA-W

9/20/2019 4:30:57 PM #37

Morrison, just west of Denver. NA-W Kingdom of Blackheart

9/21/2019 8:22:11 AM #38

I'm in Denver and NA-W. I'll be To'resk and have a Mayor package. I'm still working on settlement selection.

Mayor of Midbally Reach

Angelica / Blackheart / Olath Valm

10/2/2019 6:40:02 PM #39

I live & work in Boulder, and am the Neran mayor of a town on the southern border of Valyria--Corvus Vale (Angelica/NA-W, Duchy of Valence, County of Longbark Rock).

HMU if you're looking for a near-border town with Neran/Kypiq/Waerd--especially if you're interested in mead/cider making (or farming), archery, artillery or cross-border trade.

11/18/2019 6:42:02 PM #40

Steamboat springs here

Clico Arjuna

11/18/2019 6:42:02 PM #41

Steamboat springs here

Clico Arjuna