Greetings, I am the founder of the "Tawazun" family within Silverwatch, Craghook of the Waerd Tribe. I desire to form a settlement within Silverwatch, which prioritizes on espionage and diplomacy, whether it may involve conducting espionage-related or diplomatic acts on internal issue or external issues. Finally, any intel that is collected through covert or diplomatic operations shall be recorded and archived within our headquarters.
If any one is interested in forming an "Espionage & Diplomacy"-oriented guild/organization or settlement (Unsure of 100% of mechanics, as I am a proprietor), please post within this topic or message me.
As for the settlement, we /will/ need people that are willing to produce goods for the collective.
NEEDED: Spies, Diplomats, Cartographers, Assassins, Explorers, Merchants, Farmers, and Miners.