New Player here trying to piece it all together.

Hello, I'm kinda new here. I heard about this game a couple years ago and waited to see what happened with it. Now that I've finally decided to invest. I'm looking to be a hunter and maybe work with leather and or carpentry. Any information is welcome.

12/25/2019 6:57:21 PM #1

There is way too much information to give in a thread lol. First I suggest you figure out which server you want to play, secondly, what tribe, then look at the server for information on the biomes within that server to narrow down area selections.

12/25/2019 7:07:43 PM #2

I already decided on Angelica server and Brudvir tribe which seems to fit perfectly for what i want to play.

12/25/2019 7:15:05 PM #3

Well, then you are halfway there. There are a number of duchies on West (Angelica) that can probably help you find a home :)

12/25/2019 7:20:23 PM #4

This link has a ton of information. Welcome and good luck!


12/25/2019 9:25:02 PM #5

personally I don't feel you should really be making any decisions.. After all the game is still being developed, the first thing that will come out is pre-alpha, then many other development stages before actual game launch. Nonetheless, when pre-alpha gets closer and closer to release there may already be tons of changes. However like i said this all just my personal feelings. What I decided to do is just keep track of things every now and then in the game community's discord. There you can talk to many people, build relationships, and learn more about the different groups being formed etc.. Unfortunately I .don't have any permissions to link the discord here. So if you want to join it someone else will have to give it to you or you will have to search for it.

12/26/2019 6:15:39 AM #6

It's perfectly fine to make decisions, but don't feel that you have to be bound by them. Decisions about preferred tribes help motivate research into tribes, but you may find that you don't like something about your first choice and should feel entirely free to make other choices.