download butten

Hello I and a friend have created an account but do not find the download button where we find it and is the game free?

6/8/2017 2:11:00 PM #1

The game is still in pre-alpha. There will be three pre-alpha experiences (more info here: that will come out hopefully before the end of the year, alpha will start after those are released.

The game will not be free. The base game is $40, and includes a spark of life that will let you play out one character's full life. Your character will live up to 12 months, though their lifespan will be reduced each time they die (note that combat normally ends in incapacitation, which does not reduce your lifespan. Your opponent much choose to perform a coup de grace after incapacitating you if they wish to reduce your lifespan). Additional sparks of life after you have purchased the base game are currently being sold for $25.

Shieldwall Strong!

6/8/2017 2:11:55 PM #2

game is in process of being made , has not yet reached alpha stage, KS was in May last year, so there is no download button yet

7/1/2017 11:54:31 AM #3

download the game ?


7/1/2017 12:50:55 PM #4

Locking thread as the game is not currently available to the public, as it's still in the pre-alpha development stage.