[NA-W] City of Aelfhaest

Ælfhæst/Aelfhaest Keep

Focused on Alchemy, Commerce, & Relaxation!

Home of Elyrian Identity Center & Elyrian Securities Center!

About Us

Aelfhaest is a town of oddities, a place to celebrate the strange & unusual and that's how we like it! We focus on trade and relaxation, whether its' welcoming merchants of all kinds to setup shop, or seeking adventurers to open up their own taverns or stay awhile in our very own Bed & Breakfasts! While we are a "Keep/Stronghold" we will not be the "typical" kind and focus solely on a military, we want to be prosperous and have our streets flood with gold!

We hope to focus on rare and/or unusual items as well as the Alchemical Arts.

We will be located inside of Folsom County, within the duchy of Olath Valm, nested in the Kingdom of Blackheart.

Uniqueness Is Celebrated

Our City's Values:
1. Imaginative
2. Inventive
3. Resourcefulness
4. Strangeness
5. Uniqueness

City Council Roles

Protection - OPEN

This includes overseeing the city guard, military governance, & protection of our citizens. They will be in charge of alerting us to any potential hostile threats, foreign or domestic & advising on how to deal with them.

Urban Planning - OPEN

This position will involve architecture and the layout of the city's properties, residential and commercial.

Trade & Commerce - OPEN

This position will be in charge of setting up trade routes, managing the collection & setting of taxes, the city treasury, and advertising city services & bringing in tourism.

Environmental Resource Conservation - OPEN

This position will be in charge of keeping track of renewable resources within and outside of the city (within 1-2km).
This includes sending out rangers to collect data on the number of harvest-able flora & fauna, compiling the data for predictive graphing, and preventing over-harvesting in order to prevent species from going extinct.

Urban Resource Conservation - OPEN

This position involves planning out the necessary resources needed to feed the keep - soldiers AND citizens. They will also consult with the ERC regarding local needs, furs, lumber, be brought in outside the gates. As well as work with the Trade & Commerce when its deemed necessary to import goods - or export if we have too much. This also includes working with the urban planning department in chartering resources needed for city expansion & needs.

City Laws

We strive ourselves and others on being open-minded and allowing our citizens to enjoy as many freedoms as there are in this world we share.

Freedom of Religion & Freedom From Religion

  • All persons within our city borders are free to practice any faith they so choose, so long as their practices do not violate kingdom laws.

  • All persons within our city borders are free to abstain from any and all religious practices if they so choose.

  • No laws shall be made requiring any citizen of this city to be part of any organized or unorganized religion.

  • No employers within our city borders shall require our citizens to identify their religious beliefs or lack of in order for seeking employment. This applies to both public (government) AND private jobs.

City Holiday Festivals

  • King's Folly (Kingdom Wide)
    Every year, the Queen will drop a glass crown for each fallen kingdom & a night of revelry will start as people dance over the shattered pieces. Merchants sell their wares this night, fools dress as monarchs & performers sing and recite the words of the folly of the rulers of "The Lands That Are No More." Friendships are renewed & the blood celebrate their loyalty and unity.

  • Samhain/Halloween

  • Yule/Winter Solstice

  • Elelænde

    Elelænde is a festival born from the town of Aelhaest itself! It is a about celebrating the "strange" or "foreign" and showing that normalcy is just too "boring"! Elelænde occurs on the day of founding of Aelhaest.

  • Folsom Fashion Faire
    A festival celebrating the latest and greatest designs from all across the kingdom! If you're a clothing designer, let us know so you can sign up to enter your pieces in the faire! Whether you're a goldsmith, tailor, armorsmith, or leatherworker there is a category for you to submit your works. There will be plenty of refreshments, music, and best of all....Prizes! All winners of the fashion faire will not only receive kingdom-wide recognition of their designs, but also prizes that may include artifacts, rare jewelry, or cash rewards! Perhaps your designs will even catch the eye of our Queen? This event is being put together both by myself and Countess Cordelia Rovewater! The location is not decided on yet, but it may vary from year to year.


We are actively looking to setup trade with neighboring cities, counties, etc...As of today, we are now part of the Rìoghail Tradeway established by Baron Yorick!

Help Wanted

City Registrar
This position will keep track of all open & available government positions & contact contracted "As-Needed" individuals when their services are necessary to be rendered.

City Guard
Plenty of positions will be available, including a Head of the Guard which will be awarded to the best performing guard who shows excellent leadership.

Since our bodies will wither and decay, those who transport, prepare, and lay them to rest will be needed! A funeral home will be provided for these individuals to use, paid for by the city, when their services are needed. As-Needed Position

Melonist Priests/Priestesses are already available!

Baron Bed & Breakfast
Seeking skilled cooks, bartenders, and housekeeping for our first Bed and breakfast!

Clergy, Priests, Priestesses, Etc..
These types of people will be needed for our citizens for when they decide to marry, or for when its time for them to leave this world onto a new great beyond. All religions are welcomed & needed for marriage services & funeral processions. As-Needed Position

Guilds & Companies

If your guild or company would like to become part of our home, feel free to reply or PM! Our town will be home to two unique companies which will definitely help with merchants & travelers alike!

Alchemy & Scribe Instructional School
Aether Academy

Scribing Services, Identification Services, Investigations
Elyrian Identity Center

Insurance & Investments
Elyrian Securities Center

Religious Groups
The Holy Church of Melonism

"Secrets are worth more than silver or sapphires."

12/19/2016 8:08:19 AM #1

Sounds good! :D

2/4/2017 5:28:39 PM #2

Join the new City of Aelfhaest's discord channel!

2/6/2017 12:38:04 AM #3

Progress on Layaway so far! Now 50%! Almost there!


5/3/2017 7:48:33 PM #4

Big Update!

Layaway is now 100% paid off.

5/9/2017 7:50:12 PM #5

What kingdom is this in?

12/22/2017 6:37:11 PM #6

Posted By MusaKn at 3:50 PM - Tue May 09 2017

What kingdom is this in?

Sorry for the very late reply, the keep is located in Olath Valm duchy, inside the Blackheart kingdom.

County is currently Peregrine, unless Folsom county comes back.