Big 5 Personality Traits

Caspian's own interest in psychology will play a role in the way we interact with NPCs. He has said that the NPCs will have sliders of the Big 5 Personality Traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN). This will vary the experiences we have with NPCs depending on their traits. It will be neat to see how they pull this off.

If you want to read more on the subject of the 5 personality traits.

I thought it would be interesting to see how our community scores on the OCEAN test!

My scores






2/25/2017 12:23:26 AM #1

O - 62.5%

C - 70%

E - 0%

A - 50%

N - 67.5%

2/25/2017 12:45:49 AM #2

O - 62.5 C - 62.5 E - 27.5 A - 70 N - 62.5

The Adventurer's Guild of Vornair

2/25/2017 12:56:52 AM #3

O-80 C-55 E-75 A-40 N-0

Regardless of the test, I would call myself a realist. And how i behave totally depends on the quality of the people around me.

I do not find most of these tests well designed, because they ask you "absolute" questions. For example are you forgiving, are you helpful, etc. For me everything depends on what person is at the other end.

My own life principle is "act towards a person depending on how he deserved".

So if there is some nice, kind person in question, that always acted well, etc. and then he did some unfortunate mistake, I am sure going to forgive and forget.

However if this is a "bad" person, who does not care of others and behaves badly etc. Then not only I'm not gonna forgive, but I will attempt to punish him to full extent of my abilities.

For me it is not "I am X or I am Y" but rather "I am X towards A and I am Y towards B", while X and Y may be totally opposite behaviors.

I will be the best towards people who deserve it, and the worst towards people that don't.

2/25/2017 1:24:35 AM #4

O 45% C 62.5% E 27.5% A 32.5% N 42.5%

Sounds about right for me.

2/25/2017 2:09:00 AM #5

O 67.5% C 35% E 30% A 45% N 80%


Join us on Discord!

2/25/2017 3:26:16 AM #6

O- 87.5%

C- 22.5%

E- 40%

A- 57.5%

N- 90%

Friend Code: B8ADDD

2/25/2017 4:04:24 AM #7

O- 55% C- 40% E- 22.5% A- 52.5% N- 15%

I'm good with it.

  • I'm big enough to forgive you. But I'm not stupid enough to trust you again. (A29D00/#9056)
2/25/2017 5:26:06 AM #8

O - 80%

C - 22.5%

E - 55%

A - 80%

N - 30%

2/25/2017 5:43:45 AM #9

O-72 C-52 E-70 A-52 N-32

2/25/2017 5:54:49 AM #10

O - 80% C - 30% E - 37 % A - 60% N - 75%

2/25/2017 6:25:20 AM #11

One of the questions: I insult people.

Guess which box I checked

Problem with these tests is that people harp on the results for the rest of the day even though Psych is a soft-science and is hardly definitive

O- 62%

C- 25%

E- 52%

A- 22%

N- 65%

"High Neuroticism scorers seem to react more strongly to situations and events that have the potential to provoke negative emotions." Now that is accurate

You may have erased my signature, but you can't corner the dorner

2/25/2017 6:34:41 AM #12

O - 75 C- 60 E- 37.5 A - 62.5 N - 32.5

i like 16 personalities quiz better but this one is good as well

2/25/2017 6:59:26 AM #13

O - 85 C- 52.5 E- 20 A - 55 N - 80

Reasonably accurate

2/25/2017 7:00:50 AM #14

O - 87.5%

C - 57.5%

E - 32.5%

A - 70%

N - 62.5%

3/19/2017 2:09:29 AM #15

I read some where that trait openness has a positive association with liberal political tendencies. Whereas conscientiousness is positively associated with conservative ideologies.

I don't like test like these too much as experiences are obviously more in flux than these rigid tests. It is still interesting to see though!