Campaign for Free Kingdom - Elective Monarchy

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Foreign Relations


I view this as the most exciting thing to happen to the Luna server, and to Elyria as a whole. On every other Kingdom, things will be run like a regular MMO Guild. That is, at best, an enlightened despotism or an oligarchy. The Kings will have virtually full loyalty from at the very least the majority of the dukes and counts, many their personal or longtime internet friends, all willing to play their part quietly. A well-oiled machine. Even if the King character dies and all the royal family too, the resistance will be eternal, because they are loyal to THE PLAYER, and as long as the leader plays, even with a 16yo ward of the state, somehow that character will be recognized as the true King.

I call that kinda boring. Predictable.

Now, there will be 151 wild cards being brought into play, creating possibly the greatest political experience possible. Even tough people may, and probably will work together to fend off against external threats, unlike the other kingdoms, the King will not really know for sure that his dukes are not lusting for his crown, and the same goes for Dukes about their Counts. Some, or even most of the nobles may be agents of another Kingdom or from a guild, with their elections supported by their bosses'.

And I want to be a part, to play a part in this beautiful thing.


These are my proposals to the organization of the Kingdom, which I will advocate if elected to any position:

I intend to make the kingdom an Elective Monarchy. The King and all the other dukes in the Kingdom will vote for the next King, candidates being the current King's heir and all the other Dukes and their Heirs (in the ocasion the heir to the Ducal title is controlled by another player). The most voted will ascend to the throne when the current king dies.

The elective system will be for the Crown only, Dukes and Counts will be expected and encouraged to be hereditary.

The politics will be feudal. YOU ARE THE OWNER OF YOUR COUNTY. You are pledged to your Duke wich is also a county owner with the best county in the Duchy, or so I would hope. Your duke does not OWN the totality of the duchy, only his county or counties, and the King does not OWN the Kingdom. It's not like Federal, State and District. It's all pledges of loyalty. Laws will be as local as the game allows, and only the most common sense laws will be enforced by the Crown.

The Kingdom will be named according to the chosen Biome and Tribes, in a vote involving all the nobility (count and above), from a choice of names suggested by the King and the Dukes. The lore will be constructed also according to biome and tribe, as the coat of arms and all that. I want it to make sense.

Let's face it: this kingdom will be viewed as a target by other kingdoms and by guilds that want to carve their own kingdom the hard way. If possible, I will choose the most hostile biome available for the Kingdom, to dissuade would be conquerors with the logistic challenge. Considering the picks by influence order, the most hostile/unwanted biomes will be our reality anyway.

If elected into any nobility position, I will be loyal to the cause of independence from foreign powers, and will rally under that banner. Taxes and the like will be paid within reason.

As a promise to the community as a whole, if elected into any nobility, I will have at least four children every generation, and leave at least two open to be taken by players with enough story points, to give them the opportunity of playing a royal/ducal /count's family member. (Got to reserve the heir and a backup if he gets assassinated before breeding).


All single player supporters will be exempt from real estate taxes for three Earth-years in whatever domains belong to the rank I may get. My direct domains that is: the Kingom capital, the Duchy capital or the County capital. You will also be granted eternal asylum in the city for you family members, no questions asked. In the case you switch surname in the middle of the game, you must choose which surname gets the asylum. Only revocable by direct acts against the ruler or the Kingdom/Duchy/County. If you want to lift the Asylum of a given family member, you can. Again, no questions. Getting to the city will be your problem.

All guilds that support with at least 10 votes will be exempt from any taxes for 3 Earth-years and granted eternal liberty to operate inside the Kingdom/Duchy/County, only revocable by acts against the Ruler or the domain.

If you have questions, send me a private message.

10/31/2017 2:45:42 AM #1

Nice. Welcome aboard.

Sure, i have a campaign and i want to win, but the goal comes first. If you win, i'll not be sad and i can work with you.

Just one quest:

What do you think about City States?

10/31/2017 8:31:18 AM #2

Welcome aboard!

Last night I was just brainstorming ideas to add something along these lines to my Duchal council idea. Makes sense as a good way of doing it.

So! Best of luck!

11/1/2017 4:05:28 AM #3

Posted By Desdark at 12:45 AM - Tue Oct 31 2017

Nice. Welcome aboard.

Sure, i have a campaign and i want to win, but the goal comes first. If you win, i'll not be sad and i can work with you.

Just one quest:

What do you think about City States?

I think something along those lines can work with counties. The settlements will be probably to small to be so independent. County-wise we would already have more than one hundred "City States". This Kingdom will likely have all its Count slots filled with real players, that would already make a "senate" with 150 people. We'd need to have an hierarchy, where the Dukes would hear their counts and then bring it to the King, or we might end up with a slow reaction time, too much deliberation.

There will be enemies around, not only kingdoms but the threats and crises the game will create, a decent amount of national unity will need to be enforced to overcome these challenges.

11/2/2017 2:39:53 AM #4

I will reveal today my plans and considerations on the foreign policy for the Kingdom as suggested. I was going to speak about internal relations and development plans too, but the post would become too long. Will talk about that in a couple of days maximum.


To develop these foreign policies, I assumed the following to be true:

  • The plan must take into consideration the biomes in the Kingdom, and the map position of the Kingdom, and the shape of the continent.
  • We must consider the fact that a double-sized empire will get first pick of the map, and all other kingdoms will place themselves on the map considering that pick, and then we will pick.
  • We must assume that we will end up with the most hostile/unwanted biome, the worst map position, or both.

With that in mind, the Kingdom’s main geopolitical problem will be a cornered or a surrounded-by-all position on the map. To counter this, a balance of power foreign policy will be required, seeking a defensive pact with Kingdoms in the same or similar situation, that flank our possible invaders.

To achieve such alliances, I believe trade is the path to go. A hostile biome will likely have rare valuable resources unique to it. Trade of these “spices” will strengthen our relations with our allies, and grant us regular resources that might be scarce in the Kingdom. These alliances would be defensive and trade based alone, to avoid the possibility of becoming a sort of vassal to a more unified Kingdom. I cannot speak about numbers for exchange rates, but there would be a minimum price on our “spices” to protect the Kingdom’s interests. This price may vary at the Crown’s discretion

To protect against foreign interference, borders would be not fully open. Foreign traders and explorers wouldn’t be allowed beyond the border counties without a permit. A Ducal permit would allow transit inside the duchy, and the crown permit would allow full transit. These permits can be issued to individuals or to guilds. Military guilds can only receive crown permits. No foreign mercenary armies allowed for Dukes and Counts, sorry. Being caught without a permit would incur the following punishments:

  • if not dangerous presence : banishment for life from entering the Kingdom. If the banishment is violated, treated as dangerous.

  • if dangerous presence: one spirit loss, banishment for character’s life, confiscation of all property in possession.

What makes someone “dangerous”? A large group, armed to the teeth, carrying illegal, dangerous goods such as poisons, or artifacts that seem to be found inside the Kingdom, or resources that can only be gathered inside the kingdom, and that do not seem to have been legally obtained. These are some things that can make you dangerous in the eyes of my laws.

Banishment can be revoked by payment of a fine defined by and paid to the crown. Citizens that are involved in these activities will incur same penalties, except banishment. With time, I’m open to the possibility of signing treaties allowing full transit for citizens of a long time, proven ally.

This control can be enforced by the place’s count, duke, of by the crown. Whoever catches the threats will claim the confiscated goods for himself. The nobles can hire bounty hunters and divide payment as they see fit.

For guilds, there will be a three-strike rule. Third offense by a guild member would make it go beyond personal punishment, to banish all members and confiscate all the guilds assets inside the Kingdom. This could mean a kingdom wide operation, with the assets going to the nobles that confiscate them. Rehabilitation of a Guild would require a King’s Ransom. Watch your members.

Land won’t be owned by foreigners. Even guilds with permits must rent a building from a citizen, or have citizens as members, and all land owned by those. Extraction of resources can only be done by citizens, and rare resources will require the Count’s permission or will be illegal gathering.

Foreign Organized Religions, generally speaking, Churches, will be forbidden inside the Kingdom and punished as dangerous. Individual or family worship will be allowed, but the Count of the land you are on will judge if your family cult became a Church. Appeal to the Duke will be possible if the act is a clear abuse of power by the Count.

Citizenship can only be acquired by blood AND soil. You must have a Kingdom citizen as an ancestor (up to grandparent) AND be born inside the Kingdom to be considered a citizen.

Members of our tribes from other Kingdoms, if there will be, will be seen by the crown with more good will, and the same will be encouraged from Dukes and Counts.

All this is subject to change the more we know from the system, but I think you can get the spirit.