[DE/EN] [Demalion] Duchy of Kaga


Ruled by Duchess Gertrude von Hiedl and her husband Duke Percy von Hiedl, Populated by mostly German-speaking citizens it's one of Demalions biggest Duchies. The idea is that the Duchy will be located at the coasts of Demalion and so the Duchess wants to create one of Demalions most beautiful and busy places in the Empire.


Since no one can be sure of where they will be located until land selection is done, Kaga plans to be located on the coast. With a rich and balanced agriculture, we plan to provide everything Kaga's citizens wish for. To become a trading hub inside the Empire we try to pick a spot in the middle of the two kingdoms that Demalion will consist of.


Kaga will be one of the peaceful Duchies in Demalion. We'll try to focus on trading inside the Empire and with the foreign Kingdoms. If we should get our favoured location in the coastal areas we'll try to build a fleet and focus also on naval research to create new trading routes and discover unknown lands.

The Council of Kaga

No noble can rule his land on its own. To hear what the people of Kaga have to say the Council of Kaga was established. Consisting of other nobles out of Kaga there are also experts without any title in it. The Council supports the Duchess in making decisions, delivers proposals made by the citizens, discusses and decides about them. The Duchess and her Council then realize what they decided on. Based on their involvement the Duchy will grow with its citizens and won't leave behind or discriminate anyone. While the Council plans to always act as a whole the Duchess needs to make decisions on her own in times of crisis or with just a few people from the Council. All decisions will be published in both German and English.

Who we're looking for

Everyone who's searching for a big and active community to play Chronicles of Elyria with is welcome to join the Duchy of Kaga. No matter if you're a farmer, mayor or count: we'll welcome you with open arms!

Values of the Duchy

  • We follow the four principles of Demalion: Courage, Trust, Loyalty and Generosity. Every citizen should take these principles to heart and try to live by them.
  • Even thoughrole play is is not a necessity in our Duchy we don't want our people to destroy the role play of others. Just try to support and not prevent it.
  • The fun of playing this game and get involved in the community is the most important thing for us!

Lands & Guilds

You can find an overview of our lands in the Census of Demalion.


No matter if you want to join, establish diplomatic relations or something completely different: Our Duchess will always lend you an ear! Just contact me directly in Discord (Arebs#5348) or join our Discord server by clicking the picture below.

11/2/2017 8:31:48 PM #1

Interesting Post Arebs, am glad to have a Duchy like Kaga in our Empire.

Demalion Empire

11/4/2017 11:34:50 PM #2

Nice description Arebs :)

Good luck!

11/12/2017 3:05:17 PM #3

Happy to see we got such a strong German/English community in the Empire. Good fortune to you Arebs :)

3/28/2018 12:48:53 PM #4

Duchess Gertrude von Hiedl has officially recognized her rule over the Duchy lands. After a long process of rebuilding and renewing the duchy after being conquered by the first Duchess of the Hiedl family [which also cost the player a lot of money over the last months ;) ] their rightful rule over this area is undisputed.

At this great moment, I want to thank everyone who made this possible for me:

The people from Demalion, which made this game even greater for me, the People from Kaga, who accepted me as their Duchess and my friends, which always stood by me. But even under this great people, there are some which I particularly want to thank: Asteroth from Demalion, which was my duke before I decided to buy the royal package and recruited me to Demalion Tritus, Loki & Olaf from Kaga, you are significantly responsible for the fact that I have taken this step, I hope you do not regret it already! :D And my best Friend Andre, who died last October. You made me reach for more. Even if you are no longer here to build your honey farm that you absolutely wanted to have: I will make sure that you enter the history of Elyria somehow.

But my work is not finished yet: Let us work together on a bright future for Kaga, Demalion and entire Elyria!

3/28/2018 12:53:18 PM #5

CONGRATS!!! Great news - since you said I'm among those who are responsible for putting that much money into the game I say: I couldn't imagine a better Duke for our county and I'm glad you invested in CoE. Let's keep doing what we're doing and the result will be great!

3/29/2018 8:13:33 AM #6

Welcome to the exclusive club of high nobility Arebs. Well jokes aside, i am looking forward for Kaga to become an outstanding duchy. It´s always a pleasure to see other german dukes enrichen the world of Selene.

6/5/2018 3:37:02 PM #7

Ich poste die Stellenanzeige auch mal hier im Thread des Herzogtums. Vielleicht findet sich ja wer, der gerne Odin unterstützen möchte :)

(Es handelt sich hierbei natürlich um eine fiktive Anzeige. Es ist nicht wirklich jemand gestorben!)

Nachruf vom Bürgermeister Walhallas:

Viel zu früh ist er von uns gegangen der arme Warix. Und das in so jungen Jahren! Seinen Job machte er gut, vergrub sich tagelang in Büchern und Schriftrollen, um die Geschehnisse der Stadt zu dokumentieren oder die Finanzen zu regeln, aber das echte Leben zog einfach an ihm vorbei....

Volltrunken bis an die Haaresspitze taumelt er morgens durch die Stadt, fällt ins Hafenbecken und ertrinkt. Der Junge konnte nicht schwimmen, kann man sich sowas vorstellen?! Vertreter einer Hafenstadt, dort geboren und aufgewachsen und der Ärmste hat nie gelernt zu schwimmen....

Und wie soll es nun weitergehen? Alleine werde ich die Stadt nicht leiten können. Dafür benötige ich einen fähigen Vertreter und das so es geht.

Oder vielleicht eine Vertreterin? Alles ist möglich. Meldet euch bei mir, wenn ihr euch für qualifiziert genug haltet.

Welche Aufgaben hat der Vertreter und was erwarte ich?

– du fungierst als meine rechte Hand und verwaltest gemeinsam mit mir die Stadt

– interessierte Gäste oder Handelspartner können sich bezüglich Fragen usw an dich wenden und werden mit nötigen Informationen von dir versorgt

– du bist hochmotiviert und möchtest dich schon jetzt aktiv am Aufbau der Stadt beteiligen und hast gute Ideen um die Stadt größer, besser, schöner zu machen

Du fühlst dich angesprochen und möchtest dich bewerben? Schreib einfach hier im Thread, schick mir eine PN oder kontaktiere mich im Discord der Grafschaft Klingenhain (klicke hier um beizutreten).

4/23/2019 11:10:52 AM #8


Wir sind stolz, euch mitteilen zu können, dass die herzoglichen Sitze des Herzogtums Kaga und des Herzogtums Falzame ab sofort Schwestersiedlungen sein werden.

Wir hoffen, es bringt unsere Bürger näher zusammen und erleichtert den Austausch von Handelsgütern und Wissen zwischen dem Kaiserreich Demalion und and Al'Khezam. Es ist der erste von vielen Schritten auf dem Weg zu einer engen Zusammenarbeit.

Wir freuen uns darauf, die ersten Schiffe im Hafen des jeweils anderen begrüßen zu dürfen.


We are proud to announce that the ducal seats of the Duchy of Kaga and the Duchy of Falzame will be sister settlements from now on.

We hope this will bring our people closer together and it will facilitate the exchange of trade goods and knowledge between the Demalion Empire and Al'Khezam. It is the first of many steps towards close cooperation.

We are looking forward to welcoming the first ships to the harbor of each other.

9/5/2019 9:00:46 AM #9

Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Herzogtum Arebs! Eine super Position hast du erwischt und mit der Hauptstadt direkt am Meer genau das erhalten, was du wolltest. Freue mich mit meiner Community ein Teil von Kaga zu sein!

Congrats to your duchy arebs! You found a great spot and the capital on the coast is exactly what you wanted. Glad I'm a part of your duchy with my community!