Thank you for your contribution to EAP~♥
That puts us close to around 10? giveaways left for this month! Thats awesome ^.^
Thank you for your contribution to EAP~♥
That puts us close to around 10? giveaways left for this month! Thats awesome ^.^
Thanks for choosing the Free Kingdom Chronicler as your platform to host this amazing event. We look forward to it!
Gorawyn and Jaxiel Hosts of the Free Kingdom Chronicler Countess and Count of Two Moons County
Posted By Kerzic at 12:53 AM - Wed Dec 13 2017
If I were to win the Mayor package, could I donate it to someone else of my choosing?
Sure I don't see why not. But I believe you would need to tell me it's final home account before I send it. I don't think you can regift it once I send it to you. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Response has been positive, odds are currently about 1/5 for the mayor package! Drop a token possibly win a Mayor package, open to all!
(Also clarified I'll contact the winner and they can decide where the package goes based on a question received)
Due to a work schedule change we're changing the stream date to Dec 27th. This will give folks a few extra days to send tokens for the raffle or get on the EAP list. I may add some extra smaller prizes if I can figure out a way to give them out, stay tuned for more info.
We've added door prizes for attending the stream and participating in the raffle, see original post for details!
Participation has been good so far, we've got one week left until the stream! Get your Mayor Raffle tokens in and if you don't have a game package apply to the EAP!
Less than 24 hours til the Stream! Get your EAP applications in and send your tokens to qualify for the Raffle and door prizes!
To make it up to our international audience for not shipping physical door prizes outside the US I'll be adding EP Gift door prizes! The minimum EP prizes listed in the OP will be raffled off, but the more tokens I receive the bigger the EP Gift prizes will get!
Last curveball I swear!
Due to popular demand, if you win the grand prize I will offer the option to receive $300 worth of EP Gifts (coming to 4250 EP) instead of the Mayor package if you so wish.