Tribal Weapon Exploration: Brudvir Great Axe

Good tidings, friends,

Many of you saw the Hrothic Shield we shared last week and had a lot to say that was right in line with the iteration discussions we were having internally. A good reminder that these Friday Shinies are a peek under the hood at things that are still in-progress, and still being iterated on by the team here. You'll see the final product in a future Adventure Completion!

But enough about shields. Let's talk about axes. GREAT axes! Axes with style. Brudvir style! With pointy bits and smashing bits and slashing bits. So many bits!

Each biome presents its own challenges and has different materials available. A Brudvir pack may trek many miles over many days on a hunt. Gear brought must play double duty as both an instrument of combat and a survival tool. While you won't be felling any old growth trees with this weapon, it can fell saplings and hatchlings and hirelings alike with fair ease!

This is a fairly basic weapon that would be found commonly among the Brudvir. Additional adornments or higher quality materials could be used to make a fancier version.

Stay shiny,


7/7/2018 1:05:04 AM #1

pew pew pew

7/7/2018 1:05:25 AM #2


7/7/2018 1:05:26 AM #3


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7/7/2018 1:05:27 AM #4

Outstanding! Keep up good work!

7/7/2018 1:05:34 AM #5

I really dig the look of this. Excellent job.

Alt text - can be left blank

7/7/2018 1:05:59 AM #6

Axes for days

Friend Code: BA38A0

7/7/2018 1:06:23 AM #7

That's one weird shaped axe.

What's the multi-purpose part of it? Both sides look bladed to me, though the description says there's a smashy bit.

7/7/2018 1:06:37 AM #8

A Brudvir with that should be swinging quite quickly. Really liking this multi purpose thing.

7/7/2018 1:07:47 AM #9

Looks neat!

KelvinRiley a.k.a. Xander Renécius

Citizen of Firaminé, Para Bellum, Ksana, and Riftwood.

7/7/2018 1:08:22 AM #10

Nice model, definitely wouldn't mind seeing a fancier version of a great axe.

7/7/2018 1:10:52 AM #11

Posted By Tiffany at 6:06 PM - Fri Jul 06 2018

That's one weird shaped axe.

What's the multi-purpose part of it? Both sides look bladed to me, though the description says there's a smashy bit.

One side is blunt, not bladed (the side not really shown very well looks like it's flat instead of narrowing to an edge). It also has a spear tip. It can do everything but tell you what time it is.

7/7/2018 1:23:34 AM #12

Tipple ouch. Nice.

7/7/2018 1:33:11 AM #13

Not too shabby looking~

Novigrad County~ Together we stand strong and bring despair to those who dare cross us.

7/7/2018 1:40:14 AM #14

Very nice

7/7/2018 1:44:50 AM #15

looks like the head would snap off at the neck on the first impactful swing

that aside, the graphics look nifty

Friend Code: 7E832E
