ChamberBot session with Heat! - August 22nd, 2018

Salutations Elyrians!

Following up on the success of our last Q&A chat session with Raevantiel, we're gearing up for a new one later this month.

Come join us on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2018 at 2pm pacific, 5pm eastern, 9pm UTC, for a new ChamberBot Q&A session with Art Director Heat!

If you need a refresher on what the ChamberBot does, check out this post.

You are welcome to discuss what kinds of questions you want to ask during the session, but we won't be taking questions directly from this thread. Instead, you will ask your allotted questions right before the ChamberBot session by sending them directly to the bot.

Note: This is not a live stream, but a live Q&A chat session using our specialized Discord bot in our Discord text channel, the #soul-chamber.


The Concept Art section of our website showcases some of Heat's expertise.

He also is responsible for the art in these past animatics;


Heat also is also the creator of the highly detailed "Tavern Brawl":


  • DO ask questions about Visual Aesthetic, Visual Inspiration, Artistic Problems/Challenges, Different Styles for Tribes and their Influences.
  • DON'T ask questions about things outside of Heat's area of expertise, such as design, engineering, support, etc..

We look forward to seeing you in the #soul-chamber on Wednesday, August 22nd in the official Chronicles of Elyria Discord server!

More to come...

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."

8/22/2018 2:51:52 PM #1



8/22/2018 2:58:01 PM #2


Count Jason von Stanflia of Pommern

8/23/2018 2:01:13 AM #3

Thank you to everyone who participated, and special thanks to Heat!

If you missed it you can visit our official Discord server and view the questions and answers in the #soul-chamber.

Until next time!

"Stupid questions make more sense than stupid mistakes."