[NA-W] Barony of Mercy

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Mercy: The Town of Souls

Welcome wandering souls and seeking hearts, to a home for all. The Town of Mercy is accepting new family and friends within our sacred walls! Mercy, a town for the weary and wandering alike. All are welcome and rejoiced!

The Who's Who

Within Mercy, you have many paths open to all who seek a home. Mercy's baroness is the holy priestess Lady Moriell El Gailien, a religious holywoman of The Two-Fold Queen and leader of The Holy Church of Mercy. Protecting the town are the Paladins, warriors and skilled healers who seek balance and lead with a kind and noble air.

The What's What

Mercy is in need of many new and friendly faces, from the honorable Paladins and holy priests and priestesses of the Church, to the kind farmers and welcoming craftsmen and storekeepers. Mercy thrives on the joint efforts of all who live within her walls, and the community as a whole looks out for and stands by her people, whether family related by blood or people of different lifestyles/religions/races. More than just a town, Mercy will employ a unique organization known as The Sanctuary of Mercy. Here, people who are guilty of non-violent crimes may seek mercy from state punishment in order to attone another, more meaningful way. Similarly, The Sanctuary may aid and protect those who fear for their lives the unwanted eyes of assassins and bandits. Be you guilty, weary, or soul searching, Mercy has a place for all those who would call her home.

The Where

The town of Mercy calls home the lands of Mirrorvale and Vandiir within the fourth kingdom of the Server of Angelica. The primary races within these areas are The Waerd and Neran tribes of Mann, however, all tribes are welcome and will be protected under the guiding light of the stars above.

The Why

The focus of the Holy Town of Mercy will be that of religion and healing, as well as a place to look into the Arcane arts and a safe place for Soul Searching. To that effect, all manner of people are still welcome, whether you look to follow the steps of the town's focus or are simply looking for a safe and positive home to call your own. The protectors of the town, the Paladins, will be trained in combat and combat healing. They will also be called on to aid the Duchy of Vandiir in times of war should such a time come. The Church of Mercy is also recruiting holy people from every religion to hold a place within the church so any will find a safe place to worship within our walls.

The How

Once Mercy has more people claiming her as a home, Lady Moriell will select a council to support and govern the town. With help from the new friends and families that enter Mercy, we will be a great and prosperous town where any may enter as equals and be granted protection. Lady Moriell is working with Duke Pteroguin to manage The Sanctuary of Mercy so that it is fair and safe for both the people seeking sanctuary and those who live within Mercy's walls.

The Town of Mercy will follow the laws set forth by Mirrorvale and Vandiir, and seek to be an active and loyal part of the county and duchy communities.

If you are interested in becoming a member of this community, please reach out to Lady Moriell through the Official Town of Mercy Discord Server. You may also reach out to me on the forums! Thank you all for your time and support.

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Ak Ak

12/19/2018 3:04:24 AM #1

Awesome, love how the post turned out!

P.S. Really excited to see what amazing things Mercy brings us in the future =D

4/1/2019 2:18:58 AM #2

Looking forward to land selection coming soon!

Ak Ak