Mÿstmire Sanctuary

Wellcome to Mÿstmire Sanctuary Thread.

Barony Discord Server

Pls follow link below if you want to read Lore / History /Geo Infromation first.


Recruitment / OOC Information

Welcome to Recruitment Section.

Mÿstmire is Martial Survivalist Dras Garden (Barony). It lies in Al'Khezam Swamp Duchies center, and loyal to Al'Khezam King and is:

"Great evil for foes, saviors and generous protectors for allies"

Barony have no road leading to it and located in hardly reachable, bog-surrounded place by "design".

Barony strives to become one of the best education & specialization centres for Swampland survival, Covert warfare, Guerilla Warfare, Reconaissance, Military Engeneering, Toxin Warfare, Talent Research and inpenterable military fortress protecting their Kingdom, where people trade normal settlement comforts (roads, easy trade) for safety and conditions to focus on their self improvement. Barony provides and gives free access to all Baron facilities, library, schools (* 4k EP will be invested into Barony on Exposition start*, all things will be open to citizens of the Kingdom).

Barony placement have high strategic value and will have road which will be unmapped for common, un-affiliated public

Tribe Census:

  • Dras - 60% Majority. Livehood of Barony adheres to Dras Laws and Culture.
  • To'Resk - approx 34%, brothers and sisters with own professions and specializations in community.
  • Neran and Janoa - Less than 5% minorities

Barony invests into:

  • Craft desciplines - especially Alchemy, All kinds of Woodworking, Fletching.
  • Education - this includes open access to benches, school, martial/archery training facilities
  • Military training, tactics and strategy, creating Specialized Martial-Menn.
  • Talents Research and Aquisition
  • Participating in Grandeur - Being part of the story, and being fierce protector of The King, Swamp Duchies, Dras Traditions and their own home.

We are looking for

We are looking for friendly mature players who want to be part of story and martial organization - in martial or in civil, supporting role.

Barony focusing on:

  1. Making Difference
  2. Story Involvement
  3. Kingdom protection / Dance of Dynasties and Strategic Military Campaigns Involvement
  4. PVP
  5. Talents Research and Aquisition
  6. Dras Culture and Survivalist Crafts (Chatography, Woodworking, Alchemy, Building/Architecture)
  7. Supporting things above by being Self-Sustainable.

    • If you are looking to be involved in activities 1 - 5 above while playing CoE most of the time - see Martial Specializations section below
    • If you want to play as Gentry - and looking to be involved in crafts and education while playing CoE most of the time - see Crafts and Education
    • if you like to play supporting role in active mature community, living in well-protected haven with high security factor, dedicated to play in big military / story / pvp game while supporting the big and working to play impact in the bigger picture see Playing as Supporting Citizen of Safe Haven section below

Martial Specializations

If you are looking for bigger strategic game, to participate in kingdom defence, storyline, martial game aspects and of course PVP then Barony is great place to be!

It generously offers:

  • Safe haven, which is built to protect from any possible threats, while giving ability to learn skills of being threat to enemies of the state
  • Education focus - this means you can start as no-one, with no skills, and in safety use free to access training facilities and school to be what you aspire to. Once you think you are ready you can join the bigger fun and participate in Barony activities.
  • Like-minded community which will work closely with other Baronies, Duke and King.
  • Free to use training facilities and specific crafts benches, in abundance
  • Strategic and Tactical planning, roles
  • Rich lore which will be expanded

The main flavour of the Barony is Three Military Specialisations it training for. They reflect different flavours of Swampland Martial Gameplay (Storyline PVE/Massive battles/Low to Big scale PVP):

  • Megroin: Offensive, special force team gameplay utilising guerilla tactics and heavy toxin usage. They utilise intelligence, lands, toxins, deception, cunning to hit enemy into their weakest place, shocking hard and fast, dealing as much damage as possible, striving to win battles before they even started.
  • Mystrunners: Intelligence/Recon/Sniper solo/small group play - this group might have quests given by / employed by King/Duke to scout / chart enemy lands for sake of intelligence or for sake of planning deployment and fortification. Can work as Infiltrators and Assasins. Use poisoned arrows when required.
  • Mirewards: Defence/Fortification team play - in addition to martial skills, those specialists are great wood workers and builders, able to erect fortifications quickly in any place that have wood available. They are high quality defence troops with engineering skills, tasked to dig and hold the location they are deployed to, providing quick protection to allied forces by rapidly building camps. They can be tasked with claiming land via Adverse Possession and then holding it.

Those roles are specialisations for PCs and created to provide Swamp Duchies military forces spectrum of high-end martial personnel. If the game (it probably will) support specialising NPC in same way, Barony will invest into training NPC specialised personnel as well.

There will be PC representative / Military officer for each one of three specialisation groups at some point. Early joining dedicated players will qualify to become one three specialist officers/commanders.

For more info pls read detailed Specialisation section

Crafts and Education

Are you Gentry and looking to improve your craft skills while living in safe place while having constant demand for your produce? - Mÿstmire Sanctuary is great place to be. As been said there is / will be heavy investment into education and crafts, focusing on specific areas / skills more than others - Main specialisations are Woodworking (all aspects) and Alchemy (Toxins / Remedies).

Barony will have shop of Magnum Opus

We need Alchemist to be Magnum Opus guild representative in the Barony!

In addition our place provide:

  • safety
  • benches to start
  • libraries and schools to improve your skills
  • material access and in specific cases - materials (Government orders BYOM)
  • demand to do your craft.

If you are want to become one of:

  • Any wood craft specialisation
  • Builder
  • Architect
  • Alchemist / Herbalist
  • Physician
  • Papermaker
  • Cartographer
  • Animal Trainer
  • Farm Landowner

Any other professions are also welcomed!

Playing as Supporting Citizen of Safe Haven

If you are Commoner - Mÿstmire Sanctuary is great place to be - facilities shared among loyal citizens, you are protected and safe and surrounded by military-menn.

You can start and focus on growing your position up or just play low profile game if you like while being useful, respected and cared part of community.

Main commoner activities are:

  • Logging / Woodworking
  • Farming
  • Foraging
  • Hunting
10/17/2019 10:03:41 PM #1


In Al'Khezam Kingdom, In center of United Al'Khezam Swamp, on the Border between two Swamp Duchies lies Tripod - triangle of three baronies - Dras Gardens - three forts with old history which were built to protect King's seat, Dahleya.

Their proximity allows Graden's contingents to reinforce each other quickly if need arises.

While two bigger, closer to Dahleya baronies guarding eastern and northern roads, the smallest one is situated in isolated, hardly reachable place. Without road leading to it, on the remote hill, deep in treacherous swamps, surrounded by Mÿstmire - almost impassable bog, full of traps and natural dangers, stands Mÿstmire Sanctuary, old name New Knoll - Dras Garden - tribal military fort and training camp, survivalist commune, loyal to Kingdom, Laws of the Land, Al'Tifali and Dras Ways.

There been legends that this place is one of oldest Mergoin training camps-settlements.

House of Slaji-Jak

The Garden - Dras Barony - is ruled by House Slaji-Jak - family which though it's history nurtured the military discipline which intead of brute force always emphasized Deception, Observation, Flexebility, Intelligence and Connection to the Land.

Now, when new House Slaji-Jak heir raises to Garden's rule it's being renamed from it's old name, New Knoll, to Mÿstmire, by name of bog, which surrounds and protects the garrison . To emphasise the fact that garrison is being Grand Flock Feather and to mark their loyality to the Grand Flock House Slaji-Jak and locals call this place Mÿstmire Sanctuary.

Its populated mainly by Dras and To'resk, with Dras being (ruling) majority and To'resk being brothers and sisters of their fellow Dras, mainly accepting and adopting ways of Dras livehood.

> Follow this link for Mÿstmire Martial Specializations <

10/17/2019 10:03:48 PM #2


10/17/2019 10:04:19 PM #3

Mÿstmire Martial Specializations

House Slaji-Jak built library, school, martial and archery training facilties, wood crafting stations, which are open for King's loyals.

They invested all they have into defence and ability to allow community to train and improve in skills required for community survival.

House's dedication to training culture and traditions allows three military-menn specializations to be trained within the Sanctuary:


Dras Tribal Warrior Culture

Legendary, Intelligent Dras Warriors which use their native landscape and it's nature knowledge, restrain and guerilla tactics to win even in situations when they are greatly outnumbered. They utilise inteligence, lands, toxins, deception, cunning to hit enemy into their weakest place, shocking hard and fast, dealing as much damage as possible, striving to win battles before they even started.


Mystrunners Association

Mainly To'resk, but there are Neran, and even Janoan Mystrunners, those stealthy rangers are training Archery skills extensively, are experienced survivalists and scouts, having all necessary skills, if quested by Duke or King, move quickly and far, unnoticed, to create maps of any location and provide military reconaisance on anything that could pose threat to Swamp Duchies and King. They can work as Infiltrators and Assassins. May use poisoned arrows.


Mireward Military Academy

Apart of being physically trained soldiers, theese can move through swamps in medium or heavy armor, and have wide woodworking skills - covering all the process between logging till building wooden fortifications, allowing to them to erect quickly wooden fortifications in almost any place that have wood available. They are disciplined guards and crafty woodworkers. Their top ranks have ability to engeneer and architect wood fortifications and buildings, and adapt existing blueprints to their needs and deployment location specifics.